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Judy's Cabin Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

darb: fires distroyed

Hidden : 06/22/2006
1.5 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Another cache in Malibu Creek State Park

Last September I led a group hike through Malibu Creek state Park. I believe I have hiked every trail but “The Lost Cabin Trail” so I decided to include it on our hike that day. The trail was and still is a little overgrown and disappears in places but was enjoyable. That is until we reached the end. Apparently the lost cabin is indeed lost because we found no trace of it. Sooooo, Not wanting you to be as disappointed as we were I built a log cabin down there. There’s nothing special about it, wouldn’t think it’d even be worth the trip, but if you ever have the notion to hike that trail at least there’s something at the end.

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