Rocky Road Traditional Cache
New York Admin: The permit for this cache has expired and its being archived. Please see the memorial cache dedicated to this one.
"Hikerguy1 Memorial : Rocky Road" (GC7HJ3P)
Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions
in our disclaimer.
Best parking is at coordinates N41º07.341' W073º48.737'. Trail to go the cache starts here. Alternate Parking is on 448 at coordinates N41°06.582' W073°49.211' Be careful not to park on the wrong side of the "No Parking" signs. Then look for the trail entrance - there's only one entrance. Walk a short way down the trail, go under the underpass and head toward the cache.
This cache is a camouflaged Lock N Lock container with the usual trinkets. Watch out for loose rocks and slippery leaves on the way to the cache.
NY Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation geocaching permit #06-01
Additional Hints
15' fgenvtug hc sebz ynetr gerr. Ybbx sbe bcravat va gur ebpxf.