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Tales of Odysseus: Cyclops Polythemus Traditional Cache

Hidden : 3/3/2007
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This traditional cache along the Pacific coast also contains a clue for the puzzle geocache Tales of Odysseus: The Return of the King.

"TELL ME, O MUSE, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy." So begins The Odyssey.

You are Odysseus, wily master of landways and seaways, king of the island state of Ithaca, husband of Penelope and father of your son Telemachus who has never met you.

10 long years ago, you sailed with twelve ships to fight in the long Trojan Wars on the sands before the walls of the City of Troy. And finally it was you, O wily Odysseus, who masterminded the fall of Troy with the clever ruse of the Gift of the Trojan Horse and led the final assault!

Now you set sail for Ithaca. But the Greek gods and goddesses have other plans for you, and before you return to the arms of Penelope, you must survive many more adventures.

O clever Odysseus, will you ever return to your kingdom?

Only the Fates know for sure.

And the Fates are not telling!

Cyclops Polythemus

After leaving behind the broken City of Troy, your fleet comes to the land of the Cicones where your men persuade you to raid a village. Your men also persuade you to remain on the beaches where you are vulnerable to a counterattack by the Cicones who return in force. It is all you can do to return to the ships and put back to sea.

A storm then blows you off course, driving you across the sea where you next come to the land of the Lotus Eaters where you have need to rescue some of your men from the narcotic effects of the lotus plant that they eat.

And then O brave Odysseus, you come to the island of the giant one-eyed cyclopes. The cyclops Polythemus, son of the mighty sea god Poseidon himself, traps you and several of your crew in his cave where he sleeps each night with his flock of sheep. The cyclops seals the mouth of the cave against your escape with a giant boulder whenever he leaves or sleeps. You are doomed to be eaten by the giant cyclops unless you can escape.

One night you offer strong brandy to Polythemus who drinks the brandy and falls into a deep sleep.

O wily Odysseus, whatever is your plan to escape this bitter doom?

This cache contains one of the clues needed to find the puzzle cache Tales of Odysseus: The Return of the King. The clue is at the back of the logbook. This cache follows The Trojan Horse and precedes Aeolus, Keeper of the Winds.

The story of the encounter with the giant cyclops Polythemus is told in Book IX of the The Odyssey.

Enjoy! And happy caching!

O wily 50sumtin!

And now, the tale's end ...

O wily Odysseus, as the giant cyclops Polythemus slept his deep brandy-induced sleep, you and your men went into the depths of the cave where you had hidden a tree trunk that you had sharpened to a spear. And taking that giant spear, you and your men drove it into the cyclop's only eye, blinding him forever. And later you would take advantage of his blindness and escape his cave by clinging to the underbellies of his sheep as the blinded Polythemus let his sheep out of his cave to allow them to graze the nearby fields of green grass.

Cache owner's note:

For some months I have toyed with the idea of placing a series of caches along the scenic Pacific coast north of Santa Cruz, each of which would be in a scenic location near the ocean and would also contain a clue for an overall connecting puzzle cache. And while walking the coast at Wilder Ranch one day and taking in the breath-taking scenic views, the Muses inspired me to make the connecting theme for the series the adventures of Odysseus as told in The Odyssey, as so much if not all of his homeward voyage adventures occurred along coastal settings.

As of April 15, 2007, all of the caches associated with the Tales of Odysseus series (including the puzzle cache) have been placed.

I hope that you will find the series entertaining and enjoyable, but if not at least scenic.

This particular cache will treat you to scenic views of Davenport Landing Beach from lands recently deeded to the California State Parks. While there are cliffs nearby, the cache is sufficiently away from them as to pose little danger while seeking in good visibility. Still, I do not recommend seeking this cache during periods of dense coastal fog.

You may park at the beach parking for Davenport Landing Beach and make your way up to the cache. Seek the trailhead that heads up and heads north from parking.

Cache: Follow the bluff trail out to El Jarro Point. As you approach the point there is a well-defined geotrail that leaves the fields to the edge of the point. Look at the junction of this geotrail and the main trail that follows the bluff.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Gjb srrg gb gur yrsg bs gur cbvag trbgenvy haqre vprcynag.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)