AV's Wacky Adventure - Part V Mystery Cache
AV's Wacky Adventure - Part V
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Unless you have front-row seats, it'll be tough to approach the posted coords; they are the location of the Arts Center's stage.. so you can completely forget about parking there or finding the stash there. In order to find the cache's true hiding spot, first decipher the puzzle below - then proceed to the calculated location in traditional Geocaching style.
You may assume N40° & W074°
Enjoy - and GOOD LUCK!
You can check your answers for this puzzle on Geochecker.com.
Additional Hints
[Puzzle]: Yrg gur lryybj oveqvr fubj lbh gur jnl; jngpu bhg - guvf chmmyr unf n gjvfg (creuncf orggre qrfpevorq nf n syvc)
[Cache]: Pbapergr fyno