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YOSM #1046 Criffell Traditional Cache

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Geocache Description:

Criffel GM/SS-130 569 metre 1868 feet The views from summit of Criffel are extensive and complete. A full 360, there is nothing higher nearby. This will be of interest to those who enjoy a fell walk and radio amateurs. If you have summited Lakeland fells, you'll have seen Criffel as that black lump across the Solway. This is now a micro after going missing.

On the summit you are over an hour from habitation, so be self reliant and prepared for whatever weather is forecast. I used Cumbria's fell top forecast, noting mention of north Cumbria and Carlisle. Weatherline

Phone version (6p/min) 0844 846 2444
This forecast can be heard on Radio Cumbria after 06.30, 07.30, 08.30 12.30 16.30 17.30 and other times during the day. have a 3 day Southern Uplands PDF to download. And Radio Scotland have a southern forecast after 07.50 08.50, 12.50. All times when you could be in your car.

Next day forecast, sometime after 17.30 on Radio Cumbria and 17.50 Radio Scotland. More weather source ideas

To find car park, look for farm sign Ardwall Mains, about 3 km 2 mile south of New Abbey on A710. Easily missed from west.

There are several approaches, some starting in New Abbey, coming over Knockenduch. The route up from car park provided, is a peaty boggy scar. Deep treaded boots recommended. Unrelenting gradient no respite, no level sections. From car park South through swing gate on other side of access road. Then South-west (right) through another swing gate after 80 metres to walk stone walled track for 300 metres to edge of plantation.

Follow stream up to top edge of forest and fence. This section of the path is being repaired by a footpath repair team starting March 2010. The section to the fence will be superbly smooth below forest road, and loose granite rocks above forest road. Completely different to quagmire beyond fence.

Waypoint this point for return. Duck through gap in fence and follow peaty slippery path uphill to trig point and Douglas Cairn.

Return by same route. As you leave summit, path splits. This is where your fence gap waypoint helps choose which way to go. (Right path, down on bearing of 010 degrees). Steep slippery descent. Good potential to slip and sink up to knee in peaty bog. Trekking poles very useful.

This cache will be of interest for cachers, trig pointers and Radio Amateurs, who are taking part in the "Summits on the Air" programme. This activity is independent of and not an official part of the SOTA programme.

All the Summits in Britain and other countries are catalogued and Radio Hams "activate" them by transmitting from the summits. Radio Hams can now obtain credit for finding them as official Geocaches. In fact all geocachers are very welcome to find them.

New Abbey walks brochure (2.5 Mb). Last walk is Criffel. Direct download

Things to remove from a cache and not to swap in the first instance. Food stuff, sweets, batteries, coins, plasters (Band-Aid) anything in a sachet, anything liquid, marker pens.

Read more about The Historic Geocaches' campaign.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

haqre tenavgr obhyqre ng vagrefrpgvba bs gjb yvarf bs ebpxf. ornevat 300 nobhg 17 zrger sebz gevt cvyyne.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)