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Georgia DeLorme Challenge Mystery Cache

5 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   large (large)

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Geocache Description:

The Georgia DeLorme Challenge

(AB4N): In 2004, Haicoole unveiled the California DeLorme Challenge. Many states have a DeLorme Challenge and now Georgia does too! In particular I would like to thank Moun10Bike for his work with the oft-copied Challenge guidelines, and the others who have contributed. I would also like to thank flyingmoose who encouraged me to set the Challenge up. Finally I would like to thank Groundspeak and all of the volunteers who work with us on these crazy ideas that we come up with.

The DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer is published for all 50 states. These maps are a favorite among travelers and outdoorsmen and are available at many locations, including online directly from DeLorme. The goal of this cache is to find a cache on each page/map of the Georgia State DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer; Georgia has 63 maps. This challenge will be what you make of it. The goal is really more than just finding a cache in each section of the atlas, it is also to tour and see the beautiful state of Georgia. So carefully plan and pick which caches you wish to hunt to maximize your return on investment! Hopefully the experience will make some long lasting memories.

All finds must be confirmed. This can be done via a bookmark list or Project-GC challenge checker. We would prefer if each participant would create a bookmark list of the cache finds that they are using for the challenge, and update the list as you progress. Include this cache listing in your bookmark so that all bookmarks will be shown on the cache page. I will then be able to run a pocket query on the bookmark to verify your finds and create your progress maps which will be listed at the bottom of this page.

Bookmarks are a premium member feature. If you are not a premium member and do not have access to Project-GC, you will need to send us a list of all of your finds. The list will need to contain the cache name, waypoint (GC#), coordinates, and the day you found it. The find cannot be logged until the physical container is found and the logbook inside signed. Finds logged without providing proof of completion will be deleted.

The following guidelines will apply to the Georgia DeLorme Challenge:

  • The posted coordinates are not the actual coordinates for the cache.
  • Generally accepted rules, guidelines, and conditions for logging a cache find apply. These must be bona fide caches listed on that you have personally (physically) found and logged.
  • Caches found prior to the creation of the Georgia DeLorme challenge will count only as long as all other Challenge requirements are met.
  • If a page of the Georgia DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer does not contain a cache at the time that you have completed the challenge and submitted your list then you may place a cache in that area to meet the requirement. This is the only time that a cache hide will count toward the Challenge. Any hides must meet Groundspeak requirements regarding vacation caches; in other words if you can not maintain the cache then you must provide the name of another person who is willing, is able, and will actually do it for you. (As of 12/7/2006 all maps have eligible caches to be found thanks to Hannah, Owl, and partners).
  • Only caches with physical containers and logbooks will count in the Georgia DeLorme Challenge. The listed coordinates on the cache page will be the coordinates used in determining the page that the cache counts toward. The final stage of multi-caches, mystery caches, and letterbox hybrids must also fall on the same page as the listed coordinates. This guideline is based on the honor system.
  • If a Georgia DeLorme Atlas page includes space not located in Georgia, only caches in the Georgia portion will count.
  • On pages consisting of multiple map blocks a cache must be found for each block, not just one for the page. A total of 63 cache finds will be required to complete the Georgia Challenge.
  • While you may have others with you when you find the final cache, only those who have fulfilled ALL criteria for this cache will be allowed to log it as a find. Find logs by other cachers will be deleted.
  • Online cache logs should include a statement that the cache was found as part of the Georgia DeLorme Challenge. We'd appreciate it if you will consider editing logs to include this statement on finds made prior to the challenge start and are being used to complete the challenge.
  • In the outside edges of the maps in the latest edition of the atlas the grid coordinates are overlayed onto the map data. This area is a border, and outside of the GPS coordinate information provided on that map page. A cache will not count for the page if it lies in the border area, but instead can count for the map in which it is in the main map area. If this guideline is difficult to understand email us and we will try to further explain.
  • A picture at each cache location is not a requirement, but would greatly be appreciated. Upload pictures to the individual cache logs, and feel free to upload favorite pictures of your adventure to this listing as well.

When in doubt ask, we can discuss it or even seek guidance from others, but the final decision rests with the cache owner.

Good luck, enjoy, and be safe. Remember that this is a game and is supposed to be fun!

FTF - 12/20/06: Hannah and Owl1959
02) 01/09/07: Geo13
03) 01/21/07: Erik88l-r (and Carol)
04) 02/11/07: Dougs94 and Linda
05) 05/06/07: SoundmanRB
06) 06/18/07: EBBJr
07) 07/04/07: TinSparrow
08) FTF with all new caches - 07/28/07: ParentofSAM
09) 07/28/07: SAMrGRITS>
10) 08/04/07: Navistar
11) 08/11/07: MGB/FLW
12) 11/06/07: GeorgiaTreasureQuester
13) 11/18/07: Inkahoots
14) 11/25/07: RosaBella
15) 12/02/07: Thorny1
16) 02/02/08: Wheelers of Fortune
17) 04/20/08: The Cheyniacs
18) 04/20/08: fatkidsOTWunite
19) 05/04/08: ELJLYLE
20) 05/10/08: Smiling in Acworth
21) 06/22/08: Ga Mountaineer
22) 07/18/08: Professor Shorthair
23) 07/20/08: blksmith
24) 09/28/08: The Jazzmaster
25) 12/06/08: Joebids
26) 12/06/08: DragonFlyDreams
27) 12/29/08: pilgrimsprogress
28) 02/04/09: Budderbean
29) 03/12/09: GEO MS P
30) 03/12/09: geopepi
31) 05/25/09: RebelJedi
32) 06/23/09: Martin, from Franklin, GA
33) 08/23/09: jgooose
34) 08/23/09: GA Cacher
35) 09/07/09: .ichydr
36) 09/07/09: 1GCQT
37) 09/20/09: Flying Eagles
38) 01/23/10: WxRnot
39) 02/21/10: cleverpig
40) 02/28/10: spaceteacher
41) 03/19/10: BUSHBOB
42) 09/05/10: AngelMay3
43) 09/05/10: pitty pat
44) 11/20/10: change-is-good
45) 11/28/10: netinator
46) 03/29/11: Mimi&PaCook
47) 06/10/11: gjamporter
48) 07/23/11: Beldredge
49) 08/07/11: magtfplanner
50) 08/07/11: InxtricablFate
51) 08/24/11: Ent of Spades
52) 10/29/11: carels
53) 11/12/11: MaineYachtClub
54) 04/29/12: rvrohrers
55) 06/12/12: Yarddogg73TCF
56) 07/19/12: BlueLew
57) 09/02/12: tnwave
58) 09/13/12: clem_1
59) 03/16/13: ignatiusreilly
60) 04/25/13: fanasfreaks
61) 06/08/13: TipTopTommy & Goody
62) 09/22/13: Poeanne
63) 09/22/13: Kiteflyerbec
64) 12/01/13: MLE&NHL
65) 12/21/13: -HellFire-
66) 01/18/14: FlygURL
67) 07/17/14: IkeHurley13
68) 07/17/14: SCGeoNinja
69) 08/01/14: frograil
70) 10/07/14: boo2931
71) 10/07/14: K8ZANT
72) 10/24/14: seadog129
73) 11/01/14: EJ2007
74) 03/20/14: Kohldad
75) 03/20/15: Kohlmom
76) 04/17/15: Terri2south
77) 04/17/15: Smoke69
78) 05/24/15: Asgoroth
79) 10/18/15: EagleScoutFonz
80) 11/04/15: starrynite72
81) 01/30/16: TurtleTracks
82) 01/30/16: Solokrieger
83) 05/21/16: junmy3
84) 05/21/16: Swizzle Styx
85) 09/09/15: Bicardi151
86) 01/08/17: Geaux Team!
87) 01/08/17: GeoMonkeyTiger!
88) 08/18/17: BevandHank
89) 10/08/17: ktwins725
90) 02/16/18: Gogokitty9
91) 02/16/18: Geogin10
92) 05/26/18: Team Marbutt
93) 10/13/18: Waysiders
94) 10/13/18: Biker64
95) 10/13/18: IrishGypsy
96) 03/15/19: Whittling Fisher
97) 04/24/19: xrayrepairdude
98) 08/05/19: Buzz82
99) 10/13/19: GeoBeedle
100! 10/14/19: geospillz
101) 11/4/2019: timtrishga
102) 11/30/2019: The LF
103) 11/30/2019: BanditBoy/Holly Girl
104) 01/17/2020: Creekwader
105) 01/17/2020: JA1.
106) 06/06/2020: ChemInstr
107) 06/06/2020: CantRememberS---
108) 06/11/2020: Angelfire
109) 06/11/2020: BullittGT
110) 10/07/2020: Zargonians
111) 03/15/2021: FSUChris
112) 04/01/2021: Hawkhaven
113) 06/20/2021: LTCTigerflash
114) 10/23/2021: JMOBR
115) 03/25/2022: 3Caballeros
116) 03/25/2022: tjheath62
117) 04/09/2022: thelanes
118) 04/11/2022: skeletor10
120) 09/28/2022: abiectio
121) 09/28/2022: Wrath557
122) 09/28/2022: Eagle95
123) 09/28/2022: LostandFound28
124) 09/30/2022: ZSteve
125) 09/30/2022: The GatorBait4
126) 10/03/2022: Goofygrams.

Congratulations to All of the Finishers of the Georgia DeLorme GeoChallenge - We hope you enjoyed visiting and learning about our wonderful state!!!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)