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Knowth Traditional Cache

Hidden : 11/21/2006
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Geocache Description:

The Great Mound was built over 5000 years ago, probably after the construction of Newgrange and before the construction of Dowth. The Great Mound at Knowth is similar in size to Newgrange and is surrounded by 18 smaller satellite mounds. The Great Mound has two passages with entrances on opposite sides, the western passage is 34 metres long and the eastern passage is 40 meter long, ending with a cruciform chamber.

There are two passages at Knowth (Newgrange has one) which face, roughly speaking, towards the east and towards the west. A long-held theory that the passages were aligned towards sunrise and sunset on the spring and Autumn Equinoxes has, in recent years, been found to be untrue. A new theory, backed by scientific data about the orientation of these passages, points towards a lunar function for Knowth.

This lunar function is backed up by research which claims that the builders of this monument had a good working knowledge of the complicated movements of the Moon. Such knowledge would have enabled the builders to predict eclipses and other astronomical events. Some of the many carvings on the 127 kerbstones at Knowth could be representations of lunar counts and calculations

It is probably Knowth's astonishing quantity of art which makes it more impressive than Newgrange. Many of the kerbstones are decorated, while there is significant decoration in both passages and inside some of the satellite monuments.

There was significant activity at Knowth over a long period of time. Archaeologist, Professor George Eogan, found that there were 10 separate phases of activity at the site from the earliest times to the modern era. There may have been settlement at Knowth as early as 6,000 years ago.

During the Iron Age, the site was fortified and a huge ditch dug around the mound. In later times, Knowth became a significant site as the capital of the kingdom of Brega.

There are some very ancient myths about Knowth and how it got its name. One story relates that a noble woman, Bua, was buried there and the "great hill" was built up over her. These place name myths are still in existence today, in a collection called the Dindshenchas.

There are a total of 18 smaller satellite mounds around the main mound, many of which had their own stone passages. Some also contain megalithic art.

A number of very significant finds and artifacts have been uncovered during 40 years of excavations at Knowth. A flint mace head, a stone phallus and a giant stone basin are among the interesting items found.

During the late stages of excavation, Mythical Ireland gained exclusive access to Knowth, thanks to the archaeologist, Prof. Eogan. Some features on this site include a comprehensive pictorial overview of the decorated kerbstones at Knowth, as well as exclusive photos of megalithic art in the western passage.

Also featured are studies of the sunlight penetrating the western passage around the time of the equinox.

a four-foot granite stone basin in the Eastern passage of Knowth may be engraved with a map of the city of Atlantis, as Plato described it. The three concentric circles match the three concentric lakes of Atlantis, according to a Swedish academic.

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Zvaq lbhe urnq

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