stoparska - brno / hitchhiking - brno Traditional Cache
stoparska - brno / hitchhiking - brno
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Tady se da nejlépe stopovat, smerem na Breclav, Bratislavu atd.. po dalnici D2. Jak me tu uvidite stopovat, prosim zastavte... POZOR! stopovat na dalnici je zakazane! Ale za roky stopovani jsem tu nezazil zadny problem.
This is a place where you can hitchhike to Breclav, Bratislava (slovakia) and further. (Highway D2) If you see me hitchhiking there, please stop... ATENTION! hitchhiking on a highway (as this one) is forbiden! But during years of hitchhiking through here, i haven't had one bad experience at this place.
Pro statistiku:
prosim pripojte jestli jste nekdy stopovali resp. brali stopare. a priložte fotku jak stopujete u kešky at je na co koukat :o)
Only for the statisticks: please add to your log if you ever hitchhiked or if you pickup hitchhikers.
Additional Hints
[CZ] orgbabiá fxehž
[EN] pbapergr pvepyr