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Tales of Odysseus: The Trojan Horse Traditional Cache

Hidden : 2/25/2007
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This traditional cache along the Pacific coast also contains a clue for the puzzle geocache Tales of Odysseus: The Return of the King.

"TELL ME, O MUSE, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy." So begins The Odyssey.

You are Odysseus, wily master of land-ways and seaways, king of the island state of Ithaca, husband of Penelope and father of your only child and son Telemachus, he who has never met you.

Ten long years ago, when Telemachus was still but a suckling babe, away you sailed with twelve heavily-manned ships, your kingdom's contribution to the siege of Troy, to fight the long Trojan Wars on the sands before the walls of the City of Troy. There followed ten long weary years of battle, battle that decimated the armies of the Greeks and the Trojans both. Yet still the walled City of Troy withstood the Greeks' siege.

Finally, in one last effort to end the war, it was you, O wily Odysseus, master of land-ways and seaways, who cunningly conceived of a plan that could finally break the proud City of Troy.

The Trojan Horse

And so there came a night when, from high atop the protecting walls of Troy, the Trojan sentinels saw many fires suddenly spring ablaze in the dark on the coastal plains before them. And the following morning, as Dawn put forth her fingertips of rose, they learned that they had witnessed the burning of the tents of the departing Greek armies.

So the City of Troy awoke to find the sands before their city walls empty of the besieging Greek host, empty of all signs of the Greeks save for the ashes of their burnt tents.

Empty, that is, except for one very curious thing: a magnificent giant wooden horse!

It was Helen herself, she whose face had launched a thousand ships ten years ago when she left Sparta and Menelaus (her lawful husband) by fleeing with Paris to the stout walls of Paris's City of Troy, Helen who encircled the magnificent wooden horse from below, calling out to the Greek captains whom she suspected to be hidden therein, slyly and accurately imitating the voices of the wives of those Greek captains in an attempt to trick them into revealing themselves.

Yet all the while she spoke, silently stood there the wooden horse.

And then after some debate did the Trojans bring their prize, the Greek wooden horse, within the walls of the City of Troy.

This the Trojans did despite the dire warnings of Cassandra, she who had received the gift of Foresight from Apollo and who knew what the Fates held in store for Troy's future. But alas for Cassandra, her tongue had also been cursed earlier with Disbelief by Apollo as a consequence of her spurning his amorous advances: Apollo's curse was such that those who heard Cassandra's words did not believe her.

And so the wooden horse was brought within the City's walls, accompanied with much feasting, drinking and rejoicing by the triumphant and war-weary Trojans throughout the day and into the night as they celebrated their victorious ending of the long Trojan War.

O wily Odysseus, how will this gift of the wooden horse help you to defeat the walled City of Troy that has withstood ten years of siege?

This cache contains one of the clues needed to find the puzzle cache Tales of Odysseus: The Return of the King. The clue is at the back of the logbook. This cache begins the series and is followed next by Cyclops Polythemus

In The Odyssey, the tale of The Trojan Horse is briefly alluded to in Book IV (when Menelaus and Helen entertain Telemachus) and Book VIII (when Odysseus is a guest of the Phaeacians).

Enjoy! And happy caching!

O wily 50sumtin!

And now, the tale's end ...

And so the giant wooden horse was brought within the city's walls and the citizens of Troy slept deeply following their raucous celebrations.

And so it was that during their deep sleep that, you, O wily Odysseus, you and your brave men dropped out from the bowels of the hollow Trojan Horse wherein you lay hidden! To the city's gates you ran! And the city's gates you opened! And then rushed in the Greek army that had returned silently in the dark of the night to attack the city by surprise! And finally it was you, O brave Odysseus, who led the sack and the pillage of the proud City of Troy!

Cache owner's note:

For some months I have toyed with the idea of placing a series of caches along the scenic Pacific coast north of Santa Cruz, each of which would be in a scenic location near the ocean and would also contain a clue for an overall connecting puzzle cache. And while walking the coast at Wilder Ranch one day and taking in the breath-taking scenic views, the Muses inspired me to make the connecting theme for the series the adventures of Odysseus as told in The Odyssey, as so much if not all of his homeward voyage adventures occurred along coastal settings.

As of April 15, 2007, all of the caches associated with the Tales of Odysseus series (including the puzzle cache) have been placed.

I hope that you will find the series entertaining and enjoyable, but if not at least scenic.

This particular cache will treat you to scenic views of Scott Creek Beach, recently deeded to the California State Parks. While there are cliffs nearby, the cache is sufficiently away from them as to pose little danger while seeking in good visibility. Still, I do not recommend seeking this cache during periods of dense coastal fog.

You may park at the beach parking and make your way up to the cache. I parked at the turn out along northbound Highway One and crossed the road from there. Beware of high-speed traffic if you choose this approach.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

erqah ufho

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)