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Kaverna 2 Multi-Cache

Hidden : 8/7/2013
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:




Po podpisu Rapalske pogodbe leta 1920, je Italija na mejni črti s Kraljevino SHS postavila številne utrdbe – kaverne.

Kaverna je umetna jama, ki je navadno vklesana v skalnat teren in je služila za zaščito pred topovskim ali letalskim napadom. Uporabljali so jih tudi za skladišča.

Kaverna z zakladkom je ena izmed mnogih delno ohranjenih na območju nekdanje Rapalske meje pod Snežnikom. Kljub temu, da je od njihove izgradnje minilo že skoraj celo stoletje, jih z nekaj poguma in radovednosti vredno obiskati. Nekatere rove je zob časa sicer že zaprl, vendar nas še vedno navduši premišljen način gradnje. Še vedno so vidni vodni rezervoarji s filtri, odtoki, zračniki, dvojna betonska streha, ki jo loči strešna lepenka in ostanki električne instalacije.

Na tem področju je zaradi nevarnosti kač dobra obutev sama po sebi umevna. Obvezno potrebujete še baterijsko svetilko. Ta kaverna je sicer suha, a v primeru dežja je lahko v njej tudi nekaj centimetrov vode.


Koordinate vas pripeljejo pred vhod kaverne, kjer pa ni zakladka. Zakladek se skriva v kaverni, kjer pa ni GPS signala.

Naloga na koordinatah je zgolj formalna, da sem zadovoljil zahteve za objavo: Poišči stopnice v prvem prostoru kaverne.

Ob vstopu v kaverno najprej pridete v večji prostor. V vročih dneh je tukaj zelo veliko muh in čebel, a tako je le prvih deset metrov. Kasneje žuželk ni več.

Na koncu prve "sobe" so stopnice, ki jim sledite navzdol. Na dnu stopnic boste prišli do ravnega hodnika, ki je dolg dobrih 50 metrov in se konča z rahlim ovinkom v levo.

Nekaj metrov za ovinkom pridete do križišča in geolovcem tukaj ne bo težko najti zakladka, ki se nahaja približno 2 metra visoko na desni strani. Prosim, če zakladek vzamete z zadnje strani, tako da bo sprednja stran ostala zakamuflirana pred drugimi morebitnimi obiskovalci teh rovov. Zakladek vrnite na svoje mesto.

Tako, zakladek ste našli, lahko se po isti poti vrnete nazaj ven ali pa še malo raziščete notranjost kaverne. Notranjost te kaverne ni zelo razvejana, a vseeno naj ne bo odveč previdnost. Predvsem je potrebno gledati pod noge, da ne stopite v kakšno luknjo.

Za tiste, ki se boste odločili še malo raziskati notranjost te kaverne, je tukaj nekaj navodil:

- če v križišču zavijete levo, se rov zelo hitro slepo konča z zidom.

- če greste skozi križišče naravnost, boste kmalu prišli do ostankov stopnic, ki so vodile na površje. Stopnice in izhod iz kaverne so deloma zasute, zato tukaj ne morete priti ven, čeprav boste videli dnevno svetlobo.

- če greste skozi križišče desno, boste vstopili v največji prostor v tej kaverni. V njem na desni strani vidite zidan zbiralnik za vodo, po tleh pa so ostanki betonskih plošč, ki so jih uporabljali ob gradnji. Na drugem koncu tega prostora je tunel, ki se razdeli na dva kraka. Desni krak se konča slepo z zidom. Levi krak pa vas pripelje še do enih stopnic, ki vodijo proti površju. Tudi te stopnice in izhod so deloma zasute, tako raje ne poskušajte s prebojem na površje.

Kako so tukaj živeli?

Večina kavern na tem območju je bila opremljenih z elektriko in razsvetljavo, ostanke napeljave še vedno lahko vidite v notranjosti. V primeru izpada elektrike ali morebitnega napada pa vojaki niso mogli uporabljati svetlobe. Približno en meter nad tlemi lahko opazite žleb, ki je narejen v zidu. Ta žleb so vojaki v temi uporabljali kot vodilo po tunelih.

Ugasnite vse luči, ki jih imate in poskusite hoditi po tunelu tako, da z roko sledite žlebu v zidu. Ni enostavno, kaj?

Sedaj si predstavljajte, da to počne z vami še nekaj sto vojakov, zemlja okoli vas pa se trese zaradi granat...



After signing Treaty of Rapallo between Kingdom of Italy and Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (renamed in Yugoslavia in 1929), on the border betwen Italy and SHS, many military objects – caverns, were built by Italians.

Caverns are artificial caves, mostly used as a protection from artillery attacs.

This cavern is one of many partly preserved caverns on Rapallo Border in area below Snežnik. Nearly 100 years has past from that time, but with some courage and couriosity you can still wisit them. Some of the shafts are ruined, but you can see remains of ventilation shafts, tanks for drinking wather with filters and remains of electric instalation.

You can meet a snake, so I recomand heavy boots, good flash light is obligatory. This particular cavern is dry inside, but after rain there can be some water in the lower parts of the cavern.


The coordinates will bring you to the entrance of the cavern. The cache is hidden inside the cavern.

Task at stage 1: find the stairs inside the cavern.

After entering the cavern you will find yourself in a relatively big "room". There can be a lot of flies and bees in the first ten meters, but after that they are gone.

Follow the stairs at the other side of the room.

At the bottom of the stairs you will find yourself in a straight tunnel, which is about 50 meters long.

At the end of the straight the tunnel turns slightly to the left and after a couple of meters you will come to the intersection.

The cache is at the intersection, about 2 meters high on the right side. Please, grab the cache from the back side and hide it back exactly as it was.

If you want to explore this cavern a little more, here are some information:

- if you turn left at the intersection, the tunnel ends very quickly with a wall - dead end

- if you go straight through the intersection, you will soon reach the stairs that use to lead out of the cavern. The stairs and this exit are partly backfilled with rocks and stones and you are not able to get out here.

- If you turn right at the intersection, you will enter the biggest place in this cavern. There is a built water reservoar in this room and some remains of instalations can be seen here. At the other end of the room there is a tunnel, which splits in two ways. If you turn right, you will get to another dead end. If you turn right, you will get to another stairs which also used to lead uotside. This stairs and exit are also partly backfilled with rocks and stones and you shouldn't try to get out here.

The only safe way to get out of the cavern is the way you came in.

Impression about how the soldiers lived in caverns:

Most caverns in this area were electrified and had lighting inside. In case of attacks or electricity brakedown the soldiers couldn't use light inside the caverns. You will notice a gutter in the wall appx. 1 meter above ground. Soldiers used this gutter to lead them through the tunnels in complete darkness.

Turn off your lights and try to walk through the tunnels by following the gutter with your hand. Easy? Now try to imagine doing it with hundreds of other soldiers with granades flying above you and the ground shaking from explosions.

When you exit this cavern and look in the opposite directions, you can see more remains of that period. I will try to place some other caches in the caverns, bunkers, machine gun nests... i this area.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Xevmvfpr. Qrfab mtbenw. Imrzv m mnqawr fgenav. / Vagrefrpgvba. Hc naq evtug. Teno sebz gur onpx fvqr.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)