against Monopari:
Bonripári is an old Venetian Fortress in the Rethymno inland. But it is built of a Genovese pirate Enrico Pescatore who was on the island 1206-1210, then the Venetians came back.
The Fortress is built on a hill with steep rocks on 3 sides down to the Petres river. Towards north there is a wall with towers. Inside the fortress there are ruined buildings. Just walk around the area and calm down in this quiet and nice surroundings. When we placed the cache, we met and old man picking mushrooms here, and he had already many big ones that looked nice.
The cache is placed near the highest point (about 440 m) of the Fortress area. There are good wiews against Ida mountains in the east, Lefka Ori in the west. Just 2 km. to the south is Koumi village - our Cretan village for 6 years. From the Fortress you can see the upper part of the village with a chapel on the top.
How to find the cache:
Driving to Monopari via Ano Valsanomero either from the Rethymno - Spili road signposted to Kastellos a little north of Armeni, or from the Old National road from Rethymno to the west over Atsipopoulo, Prines and to Ag. Andreas where it is signposted for Ano Valsanomero to the left (WP1). On the road between Kastellos and Ag. Andreas it is signposted for Ano Valsanomero and Monopari by WP2.
In Monopari you can park where the dirt road is starting by N35 17.686 E24 25.440 (WP3) - and walk to the north side of the fortress at about 20 min. Where the path is dividing in the beginning of the walk, walk left (WP4). Before coming to the fortress area you are passing a gate that you can walk through
The entrance is from the north side up to the tower in the middle of the northern wall. It is a stoney and steep path up to the big tower that starts at WP5 and is visible where it comes down in direction Kastellos(NE).
There are some tradeable stuff in the cache, pencil and logbook. The cache is a small plastic box wrapped in plastic bag.