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EarthCache Tag The travelling rock collection

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Tecsomane Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Washington, United States
Recently Spotted:
In ANNO LIBRI - Gymnázium Bohumila Hrabala v Nymburce

This is not collectible.

Use TB8AC57 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

This travelling rock collection goes from cache to cache (or earthcache to eartcache) for all mineral enthusiasts to enjoy. While you log, share what you found inside the box and if you swapped anything!

About This Item

TB8AC57 - The travelling rock collection

This box has 6 compartments. The first 5 compartments can contain diverse minerals; the sixth contains blank pre-cut paper notes. As with swag you would find in a geocache, you can do any of the following with the box contents: 

  • Do nothing and just carry the TB to the next cache
  • Swap any mineral with another one (i.e. take one, drop one).
  • Add a mineral in an empty compartment.
  • Refill the blank pre-cut paper notes compartment if it runs low or is empty

If you swapped or added a new mineral, please use one of the blank notes to describe the new mineral so others know which is which. Do not hesitate to share in a log what you did and show what you found!

Gallery Images related to The travelling rock collection

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Tracking History (59060.3mi) View Map

Discovered It 11/09/2024 Dunkel1 discovered it Středočeský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

Viděno na eventu ANNO LIBRI - Gymnázium Bohumila Hrabala v Nymburce. Díky za ukázku!

Dropped Off 11/09/2024 Efrik placed it in ANNO LIBRI - Gymnázium Bohumila Hrabala v Nymburce Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 13.36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/04/2024 Efrik took it to Bartolomejske navrsi LAB Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 19.28 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/03/2024 Efrik took it to Lysá nad Labem příjezd od Stratova Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 1.92 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/03/2024 Efrik took it to Biltema Lysá 1 Středočeský kraj, Czechia - .16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/03/2024 Efrik took it to Biltema Lysá 2 Středočeský kraj, Czechia - .27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/03/2024 Efrik took it to Biltema Lysá 5 Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 10.04 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/03/2024 Efrik took it to Biltema Lysá 6 Středočeský kraj, Czechia - .25 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/03/2024 Efrik took it to Biltema Lysá 3 Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 9.91 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/02/2024 Efrik took it to Vršek u Vestce a kaple Povýšeni sv. Kříže Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 8.45 miles  Visit Log
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