TB9CN16 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Muito obrigado pela partilha!
Logged by Geopt Geocaching Tools
Thank you for sharing the code of your magnificent collection.
Greetings from Portugal 🇵🇹
Discovered at Geocoins Exhibition in Love Love... Ourém 😁!
Thanks for sharing 👍!
Greetings from Lisbon, Portugal! 🇵🇹
visit, share and enjoy 🏵️❄️ Lisbon GeocoinLands - virtual museum
The largest Portuguese geocoin community is just a click away, in: Geocoins Portuguesas 🇵🇹
Visto no fantástico Mega | Love Love... Ourém. Obrigado ao owner neiaeadry pela partilha da coleção.
Während dem MEGA in Meaux konnte ich viele Trackable Codes discovern. Vielen Dank für's zeigen. Lors du MEGA à Meaux j'ai pu découvrir de nombreux codes traçables. Merci d'avoir montré. During the MEGA in Meaux I was able to discover many trackable codes. Thank you for showing.
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