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Geocaching Logo Patch Geocaching Logo Patch - A Minha Mochila

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neiaeadry Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 06 June 2021
Setúbal, Portugal
Recently Spotted:
In Geo Alentejo - 11º Aniversário - Estremoz

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Tracking History (48517.8mi) View Map

Discovered It 01/05/2025 paulohercules discovered it Évora, Portugal   Visit Log

Muito obrigado pela partilha!

Logged by Geopt Geocaching Tools

Discovered It 08/11/2024 FTav discovered it Évora, Portugal   Visit Log

Thank you for sharing the code of your magnificent collection.

Greetings from Portugal 🇵🇹

Discovered It 08/10/2024 lufi69 discovered it Évora, Portugal   Visit Log

Discovered at Geocoins Exhibition in Love Love... Ourém 😁!

Thanks for sharing 👍!

Greetings from Lisbon, Portugal! 🇵🇹

visit, share and enjoy 🏵️❄️ Lisbon GeocoinLands - virtual museum

The largest Portuguese geocoin community is just a click away, in: Geocoins Portuguesas 🇵🇹

Discovered It 08/10/2024 apoliveira discovered it Évora, Portugal   Visit Log

Visto no fantástico Mega | Love Love... Ourém.
Obrigado ao owner neiaeadry pela partilha da coleção.

Discovered It 05/11/2024 Kavau-FO discovered it Évora, Portugal   Visit Log

Während dem MEGA in Meaux konnte ich viele Trackable Codes discovern. Vielen Dank für's zeigen.
Lors du MEGA à Meaux j'ai pu découvrir de nombreux codes traçables. Merci d'avoir montré.
During the MEGA in Meaux I was able to discover many trackable codes. Thank you for showing.

Visited 01/14/2024 neiaeadry took it to Igreja Convento de Santo António Évora, Portugal - .37 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/14/2024 neiaeadry took it to Baloiço Forte de São José Évora, Portugal - .61 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/14/2024 neiaeadry took it to 34/34 - Estremoz Monumental Évora, Portugal - .1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/14/2024 neiaeadry took it to 33/34 - Estremoz Monumental Évora, Portugal - .11 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/14/2024 neiaeadry took it to 32/34 - Estremoz Monumental Évora, Portugal - .53 miles  Visit Log
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