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My World Geocoin Coin-Team ThoHo #7

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ThoKatLau Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 21 January 2023
Bayern, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Tip of Africa

This is collectible.

Use TBAABQJ to reference this item.

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Current Goal


Hilf Coin-Team ThoHo, seine Mission zu erfüllen!
Im Januar 2023 gibt es guten Grund zu feiern und zu cachen! Tho von ThoKatLau wird 60 Jahre alt. Zu diesem Anlass schicken wir unser Coin-Team ThoHo auf die Reise und freuen uns über eure Unterstützung.
Die 10 Coins möchten gemeinsam 60.000 km in 3 Jahren reisen. Jeder Coin hat dabei ein eigenes Ziel, welches er besuchen möchte. Bitte hilf mit, die Einzelziele und das Gruppenziel zu erreichen. Am Ende der Reise möchten die 10 wieder nach Hause zu ThoKatLau.
#7 möchte die Welt erkunden und dabei auch Johannesburg in Südafrika besuchen. Auch Fotos sind willkommen. Bis Januar 2026 möchte sie wieder zurückkehren in den Landkreis Forchheim im schönen Frankenland (zum Beispiel in den Cache GCA3ET9 oder die nähere Umgebung).
Herzliche Grüße, allzeit gute Reise, Happy Caching und Tracking wünschen ThoKatLau und alle Geburtstagsgäste!
Meine Teamkollegen möchten an folgende Orte reisen:
#1: Weimar in Deutschland (TBAABQ1)
#2: Schneekoppe in Tschechien (TBAABKX)
#3: Lac de Léon in Frankreich (TBA1JWN)
#4: Tokyo in Japan (TB9T4X2)
#5: Riga in Lettland (TBAABKW)
#6: Inverness in Schottland (TBA1JWQ)
#7: Johannesburg in Südafrika (TBAABQJ)
#8: Winterswijk in den Niederlanden (TB9T4W8)
#9: Aalborg in Dänemark (TBAABKY)
#10: Wellington in Neuseeland (TBA1JWP)

Help Coin-Team ThoHo to accomplish its mission!
There’s reason to celebrate in January 2023 and to go geocaching! Tho from Team ThoKatLau celebrates his 60th birthday. For this reason, we send our Coin-Team ThoHo on a journey around the world and appreciate your support.
The 10 coins of Team ThoHo want to travel a total of 60,000 km in 3 years. Every coin has its own destination to visit on its journey. Please help them to reach their individual destinations and to accomplish the total travel distance of 60,000 km. At the end of their journey they should return home to ThoKatLau.
#7 wants to travel the world and must visit Johannesburg in South Africa on its journey. We appreciate pictures of the journey too. By January 2026, they should be returned home to Forchheim County in beautiful Franconia in Bavaria, Germany (for example, placed in cache GCA3ET9 or somewhere close in the vicinity).
Best wishes, bon voyage, happy caching and tracking,
ThoKatLau and all their birthday guests!
My Coin-teammates want to travel to the following places:
#1: Weimar in Germany (TBAABQ1)
#2: Sněžka in the Czech Republic (TBAABKX)
#3: Lac de Léon in France (TBA1JWN)
#4: Tokyo in Japan (TB9T4X2)
#5: Riga in Latvia  (TBAABKW)
#6: Inverness in Scotland (TBA1JWQ)
#7: Johannesburg in South Africa (TBAABQJ)
#8: Winterswijk in the Netherlands  (TB9T4W8)
#9: Aalborg in Denmark  (TBAABKY)
#10: Wellington in New Zealand (TBA1JWP)


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Gallery Images related to Coin-Team ThoHo #7

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    Tracking History (6663.1mi) View Map

    Discovered It 01/19/2025 discovered it Western Cape, South Africa   Visit Log

    Diesen Coin/TB konnte ich heute im Netz discovern.
    Danke für's Zeigen 😛

    Dropped Off 12/17/2024 inkita placed it in Tip of Africa Western Cape, South Africa - 340.97 miles  Visit Log

    Vom südlichsten Punkt des afrikanischen Kontinents geht’s weiter Richtung Norden

    Retrieve It from a Cache 12/06/2024 inkita retrieved it from Spekboom Eastern Cape, South Africa   Visit Log

    Dich nehme ich mit auf meine Reise entlang der Garden Route nach Kapstadt. Unterwegs gibt es bestimmt einen schönen Ort, von dem aus es weitergehen kann.

    Dropped Off 11/25/2024 Aldebay placed it in Spekboom Eastern Cape, South Africa - 305.98 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/24/2024 Aldebay took it to Red Bishop Eastern Cape, South Africa - 160.25 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/22/2024 Aldebay took it to Blue Lagoon Western Cape, South Africa - 266.06 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/21/2024 Aldebay took it to Dolce Vita Western Cape, South Africa - 52.47 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/21/2024 Aldebay took it to Iconic Mossel Bay Western Cape, South Africa - .87 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/21/2024 Aldebay took it to TH!RD WH33L Western Cape, South Africa - 96.63 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/20/2024 Aldebay took it to Cheese and wine with a view Western Cape, South Africa - 94.14 miles  Visit Log
    data on this page is cached for 3 mins