Travel Bug Dog Tag
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Friday, 20 June 2008
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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In the hands of KerryAndTom.
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I was a gift by "Manni" (subfour), so first of all I want to travel back to him all the way across the ocean to say thank you! I'd like to meet subfour in Geocache GC11V4E, located in Mountain View (near San Jose), California.
Since I started my trip in a castle-tour ("Schlossrunde", GC1DBTR), I'd enjoy visiting other castles along the way.
Ich war ein Geschenk von "Manni" (subfour); drum würde ich zunächst gerne zu ihm zurückkehren, den ganzen weiten Weg über den Ozean, um mich bei ihm zu bedanken! Ich würde subfour gerne im Geocache GC11V4E treffen. Dieser befindet sich in Mountain View (in der Nähe von San Jose), Kalifornien.
Da ich meine Reise in einer "Schlossrunde" (GC1DBTR) begann, würde ich unterwegs gerne andere Schlösser besuchen.
The German word "Schloss" is ambiguous, meaning "castle" as well as "lock". This is why I carry a key as well as a picture of my original cache location, a castle nowadays owned by a German section of the YMCA.
Ich zeige ein Foto meines Ursprungscaches, des "Schlosses" in Unteröwisheim (Nähe Bruchsal), das heutzutage dem CVJM Baden als "Lebenshaus" dient. Außerdem trage ich einen Schlüssel bei mir - wegen der Zweideutigkeit des Begriffes "Schloss" ;-)
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KerryAndTom retrieved it from "ST MICHAEL'S MOUNT HARBOUR CACHE"
South West England, United Kingdom
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Found at st michaels mont today. Will be sure to drop it somewhere new 😊
CMML1326 posted a note for it
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We dropped you're tag at St Michael mount castle in Penzance Cornwall 😀
South West England, United Kingdom
- 112.82 miles
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This travel bug wanted to come to as many castles as possible so this was perfect!
CMML1326 retrieved it from Le Rocher de la Tortue d'Argental
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
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Wil put it in a Casle soon!!
cormoran78 placed it in Le Rocher de la Tortue d'Argental
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
- 484.38 miles
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cormoran78 took it to Land art sur l'estran
Bretagne, France
- 274.03 miles
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cormoran78 took it to Scoubidou
Bretagne, France
- 291.54 miles
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cormoran78 retrieved it from Chevaux célèbres 14- Le cheval de Troie
Île-de-France, France
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Le but de ce TB semblait être de visiter des châteaux avant de rejoindre la Californie.
Pour ce qui est du deuxième objectif j'aurai du mal à le satisfaire, mais pour le premier, ce ne sont pas les châteaux qui manquent par ici.
enya4 placed it in Chevaux célèbres 14- Le cheval de Troie
Île-de-France, France
- .48 miles
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enya4 took it to Chevaux célèbres 8- Poly
Île-de-France, France
- .3 miles
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