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Travel Express Geocoin Yellow Delfin

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anno2812 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, 09 March 2009
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Reise um die Welt.

Travel around the world.

About This Item

Yellow Delfin

Don't place me in rare visited caches

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Tracking History (4557.5mi) View Map

Write note 03/28/2014 anno2812 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Should anyone find this TB please grab it and log into any cache so it can continue its journey. Alternatively e-mail me by clicking anno2812 above and then click "send message" or e-mail me at

Sollte jemand diesen Coin/TB finden, packen Sie es bitte in einen Cache, damit er seine Reise fortgesetzen kann. Alternativ e-mail an mich, indem Sie auf anno2812 gehen und klicken Sie dann auf "Nachricht senden" oder per E-Mail an mich

Mark Missing 03/26/2014 anno2812 marked it as missing   Visit Log

Die Ownerin/der Owner hat diesen Trackable als verschollen gemeldet.

Write note 01/11/2014 Cassiopeia1974 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Leider nicht in Harterberg, kein TB in der Dose

Dropped Off 12/25/2013 Take18 placed it in Harterberg Niederösterreich, Austria - 8.77 miles  Visit Log

Yellow Delfin ablegen: GC1ZWY1

Visited 09/21/2013 Take18 took it to K Kröte Schild Niederösterreich, Austria - 1.08 miles  Visit Log

Besucht GC3E8MD

Visited 09/21/2013 Take18 took it to K Kein Platz Niederösterreich, Austria - 55.55 miles  Visit Log

Besucht GC3E8GX

Visited 08/31/2013 Take18 took it to In Memoriam Prof. Degasperi Niederösterreich, Austria - 135.41 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/30/2013 Take18 took it to Sommerein Grüsst Niederösterreich, Austria - 99.56 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/28/2013 Take18 took it to Abtei Seckau Steiermark, Austria - 52.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/24/2013 Take18 took it to MBR 2.1 NEUSESS Salzburg, Austria - .74 miles  Visit Log

Besucht MBR 2.1 NEUSESS (GC3T928)

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