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Travel Bug Dog Tag Flip-Flops II

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silkeringo Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Niedersachsen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Paul Mebes

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Current Goal

Diese Flip Flops möchten gerne die Welt bereisen und freuen sich, alle Ecken dieses Planeten irgendwann einmal zu sehen. Nimm sie mit auf deine Reise und zeige uns die Welt zusammen mit den Flip Flops auf Bildern!

These flip flops would like to travel the world and look forward to seeing all corners of this planet someday. Take it with you on your journey and show us the world together with the flip flops on images!

Ces tongs aimerait voyager à travers le monde et sommes impatients de voir tous les coins de cette planète un jour. Prenez avec vous sur votre voyage et nous montrer le monde avec les tongs sur les images!

Estas chanclas gustaría viajar por el mundo y esperamos ver a todos los rincones de este planeta algún día. Llévelo con usted en su viaje y nos muestran el mundo, junto con las chanclas en las imágenes!

Estes chinelos gostaria de viajar o mundo e estamos ansiosos para ver todos os cantos deste planeta um dia. Levá-lo consigo em sua jornada e nos mostrar o mundo, juntamente com o flip flops em imagens!

Эти шлепки хотели бы путешествовать по миру и с нетерпением ждем всех уголков нашей планеты когда-нибудь. Возьмите его с собой в путешествие и показать нам мир вместе с вьетнамки на изображениях!


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Gallery Images related to Flip-Flops II

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    Tracking History (7334.8mi) View Map

    Dropped Off 5/29/2014 DL5AUA placed it in Paul Mebes Berlin, Germany - 214.99 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/28/2014 DL5AUA took it to Minimulti zum Schlosspark Thüringen, Germany - 1.82 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/28/2014 DL5AUA took it to Ausflug der Gnome - Serafina Thüringen, Germany - 66.63 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/25/2014 DL5AUA took it to Spitzer Hut – BONUS (kl. Büchercache) Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - 116.78 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/23/2014 DL5AUA took it to Gestein der Osterhöhle bei Trondorf Bayern, Germany - 10.08 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/22/2014 DL5AUA took it to Rhätsandstein Mausberg Bayern, Germany - 5.82 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/22/2014 DL5AUA took it to Amberger Marktplatz Bayern, Germany - 25.57 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/21/2014 DL5AUA took it to Spaßbärenrunde 1 Saubär Bayern, Germany - 198.84 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/18/2014 DL5AUA took it to Steintor Niedersachsen, Germany - 24.52 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/16/2014 DL5AUA took it to Heavy-Metal-Lawn/Schwermetallrasen-1. EC in Holle Niedersachsen, Germany - 68.73 miles  Visit Log
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