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Travel Bug Dog Tag -ALEX-

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Thursday, August 17, 2017
Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
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Return to spain please



About This Item



Alex es nuestro perro, al que le queremos dedicar este travel por que es fundamental al igual que sus herman@s en nuestra familia. Actualmente tiene 4 años y poco, es un cruce de mastín con pastor alemán de 40 kg (no es muy grande para el cruce que es). El fué encontrado en Carabanchel (Madrid) en un contenedor cercano a un circo con dos meses de edad buscando comida, lleno de bichos y sucio. No sabemos que le pasó en su vida pasada, pero tiene una cicatriz en la espalda que le fracturó un poco las verterbras y un cacho de almohadilla de la pata arrancado.


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Alex cuando era bebé.

Pese a su maltrato, el siempre ha sido un perro sin miedo, muy protector con nuestra familia y super listo y educado; es un perro muy viajado con mas de 10.000 kms en sus patas, ya que ha conocido varios paises u muuuchas comunidades de la Península Iberica. Por ser lo mas bonito que me ha sucedido en la vida y por hacerme cambiar mi punto de vista sobre el mundo, Alex este TB te lo dedicamos. ¡Por miles de años junt@s!


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Alex el año pasado.

Queremos que viaje mucho, al igual que los TBs de sus hermanas, por que así poder concienciar a la gente de adoptar animales que lo necesitan en vez de alimentar el negocio de criadores que ningún bien hacen a l@s animales.



Tb de Alex: TB7ZJXM

Tb de Cuca: TB7YY5N

Tb de Yeska: TB7ZJWQ



Alex is our dog, to whom we want to dedicate this travel because it is fundamental as its brothers in our family. At the moment it has 4 years and little, is a cross of mastiff with German shepherd of 40 kg (not very great for the crossing that is). He was found in Carabanchel (Madrid) in a container near a circus with two months of age looking for food, full of bugs and dirty. We do not know what happened to him in his past life, but he has a scar on his back that fractured him a bit the verterbras and a bunch of paw pad ripped off.


Despite his mistreatment, he has always been a dog withoutfear, very protective of our family and super clever and educated; Is a dog very traveled with more than 10,000 kms in his legs, since he has known several countries or muuuchas communities of the Iberian Peninsula For being the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in life and for making me change my point of view about the world , Alex this TB we dedicate it to you.


We want him to travel a lot, like his sisters' TBs, so that we can make people aware of adopting animals that need them instead of feeding the business of breeders who do not do any good to animals.


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Tracking History (18868mi) View Map

Dropped Off 8/16/2022 MIGORMCZ placed it in The Wicker Man - Corn Rigs & Barley Rigs. TB Hotel Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 497.13 miles  Visit Log
Write note 8/16/2022 MIGORMCZ posted a note for it   Visit Log

13 days have passed since the last log. That's why I'm taking it over now and logging back the caches I've visited in the last few days.

Visited 8/15/2022 MIGORMCZ took it to Isle of Skye: Quiraing Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 76.96 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/13/2022 MIGORMCZ took it to Greig Street Footbridge Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - .11 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/13/2022 MIGORMCZ took it to AS - HP Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 36.09 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/13/2022 MIGORMCZ took it to Scottish Cathedral Micro - Elgin Cathedral Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 44.67 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/12/2022 MIGORMCZ took it to A Fine Pair #1681 - Braemar Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 11.03 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/10/2022 MIGORMCZ took it to Summit to Sea - The Summit Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 24.61 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/9/2022 MIGORMCZ took it to The Salmon Ladder Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 18.51 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/8/2022 MIGORMCZ took it to Scots Pine - Cateran Link Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - .39 miles  Visit Log
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