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Bei die Wikingers Supporter Coin

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OmaundOpa2022 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Hamburg, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Zr (Zirconio/Zirconium)

This is not collectible.

Use TBA5Y46 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

TB - Rennen der Wikinger


Ziel dieses Token ist es, bis zum Midsommar, 21.06.2022 so viele Kilometer wie möglich, durch "abgelegt Logs" zu sammeln.

Daher wäre es toll, wenn Du den Token so schnell wie möglich wieder in einem anderen Cache ablegst.

Vielen Dank, dass Du bei dem TB - Rennen behilflich bist ;-)


TB - Race of the Vikings

The aim of this token is to collect as many kilometers as possible through "filed logs" by mid-summer, June 21st, 2022.
So it would be great if you put the token back in another cache as soon as possible.
Thank you for helping with the TB race ;-)



TB - Race van de Vikingen

 Het doel van deze token is om tegen het midden van de zomer, 21 juni 2022, zoveel mogelijk kilometers te verzamelen via "gearchiveerde logboeken".
Het zou dus geweldig zijn als je het token zo snel mogelijk weer in een andere cache plaatst.
Bedankt voor je hulp bij de TB-race ;-)



TB - raça dos vikings

O objetivo deste token é coletar o máximo de quilômetros possível por meio de "toras arquivadas" até meados do verão, 21 de junho de 2022.
Portanto, seria ótimo se você colocasse o token de volta em outro cache o mais rápido possível.
Obrigado por ajudar na corrida contra tuberculose ;-)


About This Item

Bei die Wikingers

I am a Viking and I want to travel as fast and as far as I can. Please do not let me to caches that are rarely visited or logged. Since I am a Viking I like to see a lot of the world. Show me beautiful places you light sailors out there. Maybe we will see us in 2023 in Schleswig.

Das TB-Rennen: Bei-Die-Wikingers: Das Rennen


“Es gibt kein besseres Reisegepäck als geistige Gesundheit und einen klaren Verstand. In fernen Ländern ist dies sehr viel nützlicher als Gold und hilft den Armen aus Schwierigkeiten heraus.”

~Wikinger Zitat~


“There is no luggage better than sanity and a clear mind. In distant lands this is much more useful than gold and helps the poor out of trouble. "

~ Vikings quote ~

Gallery Images related to Bei die Wikingers Supporter Coin

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Tracking History (3949.6mi) View Map

Dropped Off 6/10/2023 GeoMuBa placed it in Zr (Zirconio/Zirconium) Lombardia, Italy - 10.2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Via Spluga - Ponte coperto sul Liro Lombardia, Italy - 1.27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Cascata di Pianazzo Lombardia, Italy - 7.92 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Stazione di Chiavenna Lombardia, Italy - 7.88 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Cascata del Catino Lombardia, Italy - 1.92 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Via Spluga - Mottaletta Lombardia, Italy - 3.34 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Passo dello Spluga Lombardia, Italy - 3.86 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Via Spluga - Isola Lombardia, Italy - .58 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Giardino belvedere "Acque Rosse" Lombardia, Italy - 4.54 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/9/2023 GeoMuBa took it to Splügenpass - I walk the line Graubünden, Switzerland - 15.97 miles  Visit Log
data on this page is cached for 3 mins