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315 Geocoin HurricaneJuan & Kato's "315 Geocoin"

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HurricaneJuan Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 08 November 2015
Florida, United States
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To be discovered by fellow cachers at events and gatherings.

About This Item

This Beautiful Geocoin (#182 of only 315 produced) was a gift from gjensen from Copenhagen, Denmark, who hosted one of the many GIFF Weekend Events between November 5th - 8th, 2015.  Approximately 130 people attended the event ( , after which they held a vote and selected my film "Saturday" as the winner.  You can watch the film here:

Use password "GIFF2015"

This is a very special Geocoin, and if you speak Danish, you can read about it here:

...or, you can check out the "google translation" here:

"This exceptional geocoin was made to celebrate the unofficial world record in geocaching, set by the Danish team DK08 in Sacramento, California, on May 18, 2008. The team, which consisted of seven sections with a total of 8 people found 315 geocaches 24 hours. This performance is to our knowledge not yet surpassed, anywhere in the world.

One side of the coin bears the number "315" with giant digits, surrounded by the text "SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA - MAY 18, 2008" and "315 caches IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS". This page has some 3D effect, as the number 315 is bulging out.

The other side bears the participants' profile names: elmbow, GJENSEN, Picht, Schuleit, sarge, TOTTOMMY, ZOOOR. In addition, a "link" to the website where you can read more about the record and the rules that were set up for the trial.

In the center of this side is Gx, the general geocaching symbol, and the team name "DK08". Between the edge with profile names and the Gx-symbol is a random selection of GC codes corresponding to the geocaches that were found during the study. Unfortunately, it proved impossible to accommodate all 315 codes with the chosen production techniques. The codes appear in very, very small text, but can be read. The codes form a spiral. starting from the outside, and very symbolically ends in the center, at the goal, Gx - geocaching.

As a special feature is the coin produced exactly 315 which are individually numbered from 1 to 315, and each coin, of course, has its own individual tracking number."


Thank you gjensen

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    Tracking History (59919.5mi) View Map

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