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Travel Express Geocoin Niban s1

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pikacu Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 03 June 2011
Recently Spotted:
In Lom je moj dom - BONUS

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Current Goal

ENG: This TB travels from cache to cache in Slovenia.

SLO: TB potuje od zaklada do zaklada po Sloveniji.

About This Item

Niban gen2

ENG: This trackable/card belongs to the puzzle GC2V5JW - Traveling sudoku. The card holds a piece of initial setup of sudoku puzzle. Write down this datum even if you don't take part in solving the puzzle - maybe you will start later... Then as soon as possible drop the card to another cache anywhere in Slovenia - the card should never leave Slovenia!


  • You can drop the card to any geocache in Slovenia (except GC2V5JW - Traveling sudoku).
  • Do not keep the card for too long. Other players would like to take it as well.
  • If you wish to upload photos of the card to the gallery please edit them beforehand: hide sudoku data, tracking and QR code.

This card has additional copy (of series 2): Niban s2. It has the same sudoku data but different tracking code.

We sent several copies of this card into circulation in the past. Some of them had attached a tag. The newest cards from 2nd generation are without tag.

You can get more about puzzle and other rules in description of the cache GC2V5JW - Traveling sudoku.

SLO: Ta sledljivček/kartica je del uganke GC2V5JW - Potujoči sudoku. Na kartici je napisan delček začetne postavitve sudokuja. Zapšite si ta podatek, tudi če ne rešujete uganke - morda jo boste začeli čez čas... Potem pa čimprej odložite kartico v drug zaklad, kjerkoli v Sloveniji - kartica naj ne zapusti Slovenije!


  • Kartico lahko odložite v katerikoli zaklad v Sloveniji (razen v zaklad GC2V5JW - Potujoči sudoku).
  • Kartice ne zadržujte predolgo pri sebi, ker bi jo radi dobili tudi drugi igralci.
  • Če boste naložili kakšno fotografijo kartice v galerijo, naj na njej ne bodo vidni podatki za sudoku, sledilna ter QR koda.

Ta kartica ima še eno kopijo (serije 2): Niban s2, ki ima enake podatke za sudoku, a drugo sledilno kodo.

V preteklosti smo poslali v obtok več kopij te kartice, nekatere so imele pripeto tudi značko. Najnovejše kartice iz 2. generacije pa so brez značke.

Več o uganki ter pravilih dobite pri opisu zaklada GC2V5JW - Potujoči sudoku.

Gallery Images related to Niban s1

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Tracking History (4763.4mi) View Map

Discovered It 05/11/2024 SunriseK discovered it Slovenia   Visit Log

Seen it into the LMD series Bonus, at the end of the whole tour.

Discovered It 05/11/2024 ZellDragon6 discovered it Slovenia   Visit Log

Seen in LMD Bonus after the hike.

Discovered It 02/02/2024 Zoya83 discovered it Slovenia   Visit Log

Found the code stored on my phone

Dropped Off 09/17/2023 5roker7 placed it in Lom je moj dom - BONUS Slovenia - .02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/17/2023 5roker7 took it to Lom je moj dom - BONUS Slovenia - .02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/17/2023 5roker7 took it to LMD#19 - Širokolandija Slovenia - .27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/17/2023 5roker7 took it to LMD#18 - Kaverna Slovenia - .99 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/17/2023 5roker7 took it to LMD#17 - Ledince Slovenia - .36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/17/2023 5roker7 took it to LMD#16 - Ob poti Slovenia - .7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/17/2023 5roker7 took it to LMD#15 - Zaselek Grudnica Slovenia - .5 miles  Visit Log
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