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Travel Bug Dog Tag TB Race 2014: Drone #1

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debaere Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 06 April 2014
North Carolina, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

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Use TB61X22 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to move this travel bug on the quickest route possible to Lenoir North Carolina, USA.

The story so far…

A year ago, in a Galaxy close to home, on a small moon orbiting a small red planet in the Alpha Centauri star system,  monitoring stations began to pick up radio signals from a small blue planet in the western spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. Specifically the signals were from Golden Oldies 102.4FM out of Wichita Kansas.  After listening for several years, a group of 8 aliens had heard enough and decided to take action. They loaded a small Orion class star ship with as many cans of Floovian Blue Juice (their most favourite drink - and also used to tune their radios) that would fit in the cargo hold, and blasted off their home moon in search of this little blue planet, and the radio station therein.  Their mission:  to get the station to play "just a little more Lynyrd Skynyrd" because they play " a little too much Menudo".

Due to an accident during landing they were scattered across the planet, far from home, and their precious Floovian Blue Juice.  Only one was heard from again.

Now, a year later, in a valiant attempt to get more Lynyrd Skynyrd played across the galaxy, a search party has been sent to the little blue planet to rescue our plucky heroes, .  Armed with a larger space ship, and a full tank of Floovian Blue Juice, they set out across the galaxy.  

One side effect of Floovian Blue Juice is that it amplifies bass notes 100x normal, so it was very unfortunate that the ships radio, in active search mode for the missing aliens, locked onto a dubstep station from Sydney Australia. The radio operator,startled by the sudden blast of bass, dropped the radio into his freshly poured mug of pure freshly squeezed Floovian Blue Juice (literally dropping the bass).  The super-amplified syncopated beats intensly vibrated the ship, eventually breaking apart in the upper atmosphere.  Once again they took to the escape pods and were scattered across the small blue planet.

Stranded on a foreign planet once again, and the only bottle of Floovian Blue Juice being an emergency supply squirreled away in the captains quarters on the crashed ship, each alien is now locked in a race to the juice.  The first one back will get to get enjoy the last bottle of Floovian Blue Juice, and tune into "a little more Lynyrd Skynyrd" on 102.4FM out of Kansas City. The rest will be cursed to drinking water, and trying to recall the memory of "a little too much Menudo".

Speed, as you can imagine, is of the utmost importance.

About This Item


This trackable is one of sixteen identical trackables released around the world (semi-)simultaneously.  They are now in a race to get back to their point of origin, Lenoir North Carolina, USA. It is an experiment to see how many of these trackables I can get back, and how long it takes.

The trackable itself is a 1 inch  blue alien attached to a trackable dog tag.

You can track the progress of the race here:

Special thanks to Cache Advance for helping make this race possible.

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Tracking History (3109.1mi) View Map

Move To Collection 09/26/2014 debaere moved it to their collection   Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 09/23/2014 debaere retrieved it from la lune dans le noir North Carolina   Visit Log

This is the first TB to make it back. There is still time for others to beat it on time. Who will be the ultimate winner?

Dropped Off 09/23/2014 hoosiersunshine placed it in la lune dans le noir North Carolina - 99.52 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/20/2014 hoosiersunshine took it to Final Approach 40 North Carolina - 1.57 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/20/2014 hoosiersunshine took it to Final Approach 39 North Carolina - 1.3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/20/2014 hoosiersunshine took it to Final Approach 38 North Carolina - 1.09 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/20/2014 hoosiersunshine took it to Final Approach 37 North Carolina - .49 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/20/2014 hoosiersunshine took it to Final Approach 36 North Carolina - .29 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/20/2014 hoosiersunshine took it to Final Approach 34 North Carolina - .37 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/20/2014 hoosiersunshine took it to Final Approach 35 North Carolina - .23 miles  Visit Log
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