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Community Volunteer Tag Tashunka-Racer

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Tashunka-Kokipapi Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Dieser TB nimmt an einem großen TB-Rennen teil. Alle Teilnehmer wurden beim tollen SchniCuDi-Geocaching-Event in Mölln / Schleswig-Holstein / Deutschland eingesammelt, nach Kanada transportiert und dort auf die Reise geschickt. Ziel ist es, möglichst SCHNELL wieder zurück nach Ratzeburg über Mölln zu gelangen, um dort in irgendeinem Cache die Ziellinie zu überfahren. Helft diesem Flitzer, aufs Siegertreppchen zu kommen!!! Macht bitte viele Fotos, die den Flitzer auf der Rennstrecke zeigen


 This TB takes part in a great TB-race. All participants were collected at the great SchniCuDi-geocaching- event in Mölln / Schleswig-Holstein / Germany, transported to Canada and sent on their way. The goal is to get back to Ratzeburg via Mölln AS FAST AS POSSIBLE to overrrun the finish line in some cache. Please, help this runabout to climb the winner´s podium. Take lots of fotos showing the speedster on the racetrack!!!

   Ce TB participe à une grande course de TB. Tous les participants ont été rassemblés lors du super événement de géocaching SchniCuDi à Mölln / Schleswig-Holstein / Allemagne, transportés au Canada et envoyés en voyage. L'objectif est de revenir LE PLUS RAPIDEMENT POSSIBLE à Ratzeburg via Mölln pour y franchir la ligne d'arrivée dans une cache quelconque. Aidez ce bolide à monter sur le podium !!! Prenez de nombreuses photos du bolide sur le circuit.

 Este TB está participando en una gran carrera de TB. Todos los participantes fueron recogidos en el gran evento de geocaching SchniCuDi en Ratzeburg via Mölln / Schleswig-Holstein / Alemania, transportados a Canadá y enviados de vuelta. El objetivo es volver a Mölln LO MÁS RÁPIDO POSIBLE para cruzar la línea de meta en algún caché. ¡¡¡Ayuda a este velocista a llegar al podio de los ganadores!!! Por favor, haz muchas fotos que muestren el coche de carreras en la pista de carreras.

About This Item

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Tracking History (5296.1mi) View Map

Mark Missing 09/03/2023 Geoboater marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 09/03/2023 LordMobley posted a note for it   Visit Log

I’m sorry to report this TB was not in the cache.

Dropped Off 10/13/2022 minimomma and icnu placed it in Dune Walk #3 Washington - 148.59 miles  Visit Log

Dropped of in GC9C22D.

Retrieve It from a Cache 08/05/2022 minimomma and icnu retrieved it from That Washington   Visit Log

Retrieved from GC5MY9E That. Will move on as soon as we can.

Dropped Off 07/20/2022 mammajan placed it in That Washington - 2.79 miles  Visit Log


Retrieve It from a Cache 06/14/2022 mammajan retrieved it from Birch Bay Series: Beach Log Washington   Visit Log

I will move it along.

Discovered It 06/02/2022 Kinga! discovered it Washington   Visit Log

Still in Beach Log.
Discovered, but took 2 other TBs

Dropped Off 05/19/2022 Tashunka-Kokipapi placed it in Birch Bay Series: Beach Log Washington - 89.16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/18/2022 Tashunka-Kokipapi took it to Geocaching Headquarters Washington - 288.52 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/17/2022 Tashunka-Kokipapi took it to Mission 9: Tunnel of Light Washington - 256.88 miles  Visit Log
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