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Travel Bug Dog Tag Sjtuf 2

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marc&chantal Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 06 April 2012
Limburg, Netherlands
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In the hands of Oberon_Kenobi.

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Travel around te world and bring travellers safe home.

About This Item

Travelbug Stuf 2

St. Christoffel ofwel in het Roermonds "Sjtuf" is de patroonheilige van onze geboorteplaats en woonplaats Roermond en beschermheilige voor reizigers. Hij prijkt dan ook op onze St. Christoffel Kathedraal. Het is een traditie om iemand die een lange reis gaat maken en Christoffelmunt mee te geven ten behoeve van een voorspoedige reis en goede thuiskomst. Achter op de munt staat dan ook de tekst "KOM GOED THUIS". Veel voornamelijk oude Roermondenaren verlaten thuis niet zonder hun Christoffelmunt of hebben er een in de auto geplakt op het dashbord, zoals mijn oma. Hopelijk laten jullie Christoffel de wereld rondreizen en brengt hij jullie ook veilig thuis.

Lees meer oven St. Christoffel op Wikipedia

St. Christopher or in our dialect "Sjtuf" is the patronage of our birthplace and home of Roermond and patronage of travelers. He shines on our St. Christopher's Cathedral. It's a tradition to give someone who's going to make a long journey a Christopher coin to give the benefit of a good journey and good coming home. The back of the coin contains the text "KOM GOED THUIS". That means come save home. Many mainly ealdery people from the city of Roermond don't leave their home without their Christopher coin or have one in the car stuck on the dashboard, like my grandmother. Hopefully you have Christopher traveling the world and does he bring you save back home too.

Read more about St. Christopher at Wikipedia

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Tracking History (75253.2mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 02/07/2025 Oberon_Kenobi retrieved it from MaveriK Travel Plaza & TB Hotel. (Perry Utah) Utah   Visit Log

I won't be moving this far but I will move it along.

Dropped Off 02/01/2025 davehike placed it in MaveriK Travel Plaza & TB Hotel. (Perry Utah) Utah - 73.97 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/26/2025 davehike took it to Chilly Day #2 Utah - 19.78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/23/2025 davehike took it to `1234567890-=/ A #$%* Challenge Utah - .9 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/21/2025 davehike took it to Well-Rounded D/T Day Challenge Utah - 4.43 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/21/2025 davehike took it to Get-a-FIX! #17 - Wishing You a Pleasant New Year! Utah - 2,072.99 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/17/2025 davehike took it to Where Am I? #9 Utah - .24 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/17/2025 davehike took it to Jump to the right spot Utah - 15.74 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/11/2025 davehike took it to The SmartMatthews Clan’s First Hide Utah - 9.69 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/11/2025 davehike took it to OK Snow Utah - 18.82 miles  Visit Log
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