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Travel Bug Dog Tag Pilgrimeren (Pilgrim guy)

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geopotet Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, July 31, 2014
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I Trondheim har vi hvert år rundt olsok Olavsfestdagene, en kirke- og kulturfestival som arrangeres i 10 dager. Olavsfestdagenes historiske forankring er dyrkelsen av Olav den hellige. Dagens festival viderefører tradisjonen til Olavsdagene, som startet i 1962. Pilegrimer fra mange land velger å besøke pilegrimsmålet Nidarosdomen under festivalen. Olavsfestdagene er en av fire knutepunktfestivaler med nasjonal status, og har i oppgave å ivareta den kirkelige Olsokfeiringen i Nidarosdomen; Olavsdyrkinga.

Som frivillig på Olavsfestdagene er jeg blitt inspirert til å bli en reisende. Derfor håper jeg at ”Pilgrimeren” vil hjelpe meg til å ”oppleve” verden.

Her er et bildet av meg sammen med ordfører Rita Ottervik som var med og holdt en tale under åpningen av Olavsfestdagene 2014. Jeg holder en plakat av Olav den hellige som jeg brukte i prosesjonen før den offisielle åpningen.

For den som ønsker å være en pilgrim og besøke Trondheim og Norge, kan se på disse sidene:

Så målet mitt er at de som oppdager Pilgrimeren, eller flytter den vil fortelle litt om seg selv og den plassen de bor på.  Kanskje ta bilde av seg selv og sin familie, eller der du bor. Skriv noen ord om deg selv og ditt liv. Hvis du finner den på et event, fortelle litt om det også.  Skriv mye eller lite, alt etter hva du føler for selv.

Tusen takk for den ”reisen” dere gir meg!

In Trondheim, Norway we have every year around Olsok (29th of July) , the Olav Festival, a church and cultural festival held for 10 days. Olav Fest days historical foundation is the cult of St. Olav Today's festival continues the tradition of Olav’s days, which began in 1962. Pilgrims from many countries choose to visit pilgrimage cathedral during the festival. Olav Festival is one of four nodes festivals with national status, and has the task of safeguarding the church Olsok celebration in the cathedral; “Olav cultivation”.

As a volunteer at the St. Olav Festival, I have been inspired to become a traveller. Therefore I hope that the "Pilgrim guy" will help me to "see" the world.

Here is a picture of me along with Mayor Rita Ottervik who was holding a speech during the opening of the St. Olav Festival in 2014. I keep a poster of Saint Olav that I used in the procession before the official opening of the Festival.















For whoever wishes to be a pilgrim and visit Trondheim, Norway, lets look at these pages:

So my goal is that those who discover Pilgrim guy, or moves it will tell a little about themselves and the place they live. Maybe take a picture of yourselves and your family, or where you live. Write a few words about yourself and your life. If you found it at an event, tell us about it too. Write a lot or a little, depending on how you feel about writing. 

Thank you for giving me this journey! 

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Gallery Images related to Pilgrimeren (Pilgrim guy)

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    Tracking History (8062.2mi) View Map

    Visited 8/19/2014 CaniSciolti took it to Moloen - The Breakwater Nordland, Norway - 80.24 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/19/2014 CaniSciolti took it to Last Patrol Nordland, Norway - 80.09 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 8/18/2014 CaniSciolti retrieved it from Breakwater #2 Nordland, Norway   Visit Log

    We found the pilgrim in Bleik / Andøya and will make him travel a bit with us, maybe to Italy.

    Dropped Off 8/3/2014 geopotet placed it in Breakwater #2 Nordland, Norway - 1,562.41 miles  Visit Log

    This is my first TB, so I wanted to do something spesial with this one.

    This weekend we went to Andøya where my mother was borned. Every three years we are meeting our relatives, my mothers part of the family. This is a spesical place for us and I will show you this place.
    I hope the one that grab this TB will share some of their life or a happening in their life?

    This island Andøya is the 10th biggest island in Norway. It is in the North of Norway at Nordland county.
    This island have always been my dream island where I used to stay in my summer childhood. If you are lucky you can see the Midnight Sun. This year we didn't cause it was a bit too late in the summer and the sun had the weekend off.

    I hope you enjoyed your stay and can share something else with me.

    Thank you! 🙂

    This entry was edited by geopotet on Tuesday, 05 August 2014 at 09:09:55 UTC.

    • The beach at Bleik
    • The beach and  view of Bleksøya (island at Bleik) Bleksøya is a landmark at Bleik. It is a bird island.
    • Spaceship Aurora Nearby you find Andøy Space Senter where you can learn more about th Northern Light or Aurora. My son Torbjørn and I visited it and went by Spaceship Aurora.
    • Outside the local pub Smia This is the only pub at Bleik. It is called Smia and translated it is the smithy. Here you can see a lot of rather old and forgotten stuff.  
Nice place.
This is my daughter Anja and my son Torbjørn
    • The view of Bleik harbor This is a small place and we staied at the fisherman house to the left ( the yellow houses).  A nice place to say for some days.
    • Cozy fire outside the Fisherman house
    • The youth are playing outside Fisherman house This is a great way to let the youth in the family getting to know each other so they can continue this relative meetings. This is the 5th time we all meet.
    Visited 6/5/2013 tonibx took it to Nössingbühel Trentino–Alto Adige, Italy   Visit Log
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