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GSS10: Pluto - Geolympix Solar System Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Simply Paul: No sign of it, so time for it to go.
Sincere thanks to everyone who's looked for this series over the years - I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry to those who DNF'd this dwarf planet.
Archiving to 'make space'.. :)
SP - Don't miss the Winter Geolympix in October! GC75FTF

Hidden : 03/30/2012
4.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

The Geolympix Solar System Series was inspired by a visit to Zürich in 2010, where I saw a 1:1bn scale solar system. GSS caches are hidden at scale distances from the 'sun'; the golden globe atop West Wycombe church.

Pluto is an 'ex-planet'. Downgraded to a Dwarf Planet in 2006, partly thanks to the discovery of Eris the year before, it was originally detected in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh.

The given co-ords are for suggested parking only. The cache isn't there. to find it you will need to apply the co-ord corrections found in GSS09: Neptune. In turn, inside Pluto you'll find co-ord corrections for Eris.

Other caches in this series:
GSS01: Mercury - Geolympix Solar System
GSS02: Venus - Geolympix Solar System
GSS03: Earth - Geolympix Solar System
GSS04: Mars - Geolympix Solar System
GSS05: Ceres - Geolympix Solar System
GSS06: Jupiter - Geolympix Solar System
GSS07: Saturn - Geolympix Solar System
GSS08: Uranus - Geolympix Solar System
GSS09: Neptune - Geolympix Solar System
GSS10: Pluto - Geolympix Solar System - HERE!
GSS11: Eris - Geolympix Solar System
GSS12: Remote - Geolympix Solar System

THE GEOLYMPIX RETURNS! With a Winter twist! GC75FTF - Saturday October 27th 2018 - Ashridge Estate, Berkhamsted, Herts, UK

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Pbeare cbfg

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)