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Slovak GeoAwards 2016 Mega-Event Cache

This cache has been archived.

Geocaching HQ Admin: Thank you for hosting this geocaching event. The date of this event has passed. In order to reduce confusion from inactive event listings, this event has been automatically archived. Event owners are encouraged to archive their events within 30 days after the event (Mega-/Giga-Events within 60 days). Attendees can still log archived events.

Hidden : Saturday, 03 September 2016
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

Pozývame Ťa na MEGA festival geocachingu:

Slovak GeoAwards 2016

Program začína: v piatok 2. 9. o 12:00
Baviť sa budeme: do soboty 3. 9. do 23:00
Čaká nás:
OpenAir SHOW Slovak Geoawards 2016
Adrenalínové aj nudnejšie športové aktivity
Originálne LAB kešky
Výmena xWG, TB a Geocoinov
Hudobný MEGA Stage

Všetko ostatné, čo sa sem nezmestí nájdeš na:

We invite you to the MEGA festival of Geocaching:

Slovak GeoAwards 2016

Program starts: on Friday 2. 9. at 12:00
We will have fun: until Saturday 3. 9. to 23:00
What to expect:
OpenAir SHOW Slovak Geoawards 2016
Adrenalin sports as well as some more boring sports
Original LAB caches
Exchange of SWG, TB and Geocoins
Musical MEGA Stage

All the rest that did not fit here find at:

Wir laden dich zum MEGA Festival von Geocaching ein:

Slovak GeoAwards 2016

Das Program beginnt: am Freitag den 2.9 um 12:00
Spaß werden wir haben: bis Samstag den 3.9 23:00
Es erwartet uns:
OpenAir SHOW Slovak Geoawards 2016
Adrenalin, aber auch langweillige sportliche Aktivitäten
Originälle LAB Cache
Austausch von xWG-s, TB und Geocoins
Ein Musikmegastage

Alles andere, was hier nicht reinpasst, findest du unter:


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