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Den gamle sykehustrappa Virtual Cache

Hidden : 3/8/2018
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   virtual (virtual)

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Geocache Description:

NO:Den 8. mars feirer vi solas tilbakekomst i Longyearbyen. Fra gammelt av var det når de første solstrålene traff trappa på Longyearbyens første sykehus. Sykehuset er borte for lengst, men for noen år siden ble trappen bygd opp igjen. Her samles små og store for å feire at sola kommer tilbake etter 4 måneders mørketid.
ENG: On March 8, we celebrate the return of the sun in Longyearbyen. Back in the days, this was when the first rays hit the stairs of Longyearbyens first hospital. The hospital is gone a long time ago, and a few years ago the old staircase was rebuildt. People of all ages get together and celebrate that the sun is back after 4 months of dark season

For å logge:
1. Ta et bilde av deg selv eller gps'en din ved trappa.
2. Under toppen av trappa er det et symbol, send meg en melding med hva det er.

Logging requirement:
1. Take a picture of yourself or your gps at the stairs.
2. Under the top of the stairs, there is a symbol. Send me a message or email telling me what that symbol is.

Virtual Reward - 2017/2018

This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between August 24, 2017 and August 24, 2018. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards on the Geocaching Blog.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)