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Açores 2015 Geocoin ­ Ilhas da Bruma Geocoin Faial-Açores 2015_Ilhas da Bruma Geocoin

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AmigosdaNatureza Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Braga, Portugal
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* Viajar com o dono para eventos e para conhecer o maior número de caches possível.

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* Traveling with the owner to events and to meet the highest number of caches as possible.

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About This Item


* Faial (Ilha Azul): pela quantidade de hortênsias azuis que ladeiam as estradas e as pastagens, e por ser uma ilha, desde longa data, muito voltada para o mar.

* Faial ( Blue Island ) : the amount of blue hydrangeas that line the roads and pastures , and for being an island , long-standing , very focused on the sea.

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Tracking History (127620.3mi) View Map

Visited 10/05/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to San Miguel Galicia, Spain - 877.67 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/01/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to Nature Park Center Devil Hall Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 922.75 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/26/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to Urban Fitness @ Santa Eugénia Braga, Portugal - 154.7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/15/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to ACA'Adere 2020 Galicia, Spain - 46.83 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/10/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to Marcos de Creixomil (BCL) #5 Braga, Portugal - 2.99 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/04/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to O Cobre Braga, Portugal   Visit Log
Visited 09/04/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to O Cobre Braga, Portugal - 93.92 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/04/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to Parâmio Bragança, Portugal - 218.39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/03/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to Ciclovia Peniche/Baleal - Projecto Desporto/Lazer Leiria, Portugal - 171.29 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/30/2024 AmigosdaNatureza took it to O Cobre Braga, Portugal - 16.47 miles  Visit Log
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