Farewell, Draco! We've traveled about 6,000 miles together from Budapest, Hungary (Magyarorszag) to Phoenix, Arizona. Well, I actually left you in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe, but that's close enough to the city of Phoenix that no one will count the difference. I dropped you off when it was 112 degrees Fahrenheit outside, which is slightly over 44 degrees Celsius. People here say that the summer heat is like the heat of an oven when you open the door, or like the heat of a dragon's breath. I guess that means you'll fit right in! I hope the next cacher who finds you picks you up in the early hours of the morning, because otherwise you might collect enough heat to burn his fingers when he tries to touch you. You will be a dangerous dragon indeed! Thanks for flying along with me on multiple plane trips this summer, and safe travels in the future!