Only Ten Shopping Days Left Mystery Cache
Only Ten Shopping Days Left
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There have been many cachers who have written us, stating that they
have lost, or forgot to grab, a clue or two for the Ice Cream
Social Event. Though I spelled it out from the beginning, Olivia
told me not to be such a Grinch, and that I should be more
"Maybe it should be the cachers who need to be more festive," I
thought to myself.
If you are missing a clue or two, all you need to do is post a
picture of you with Santa on this cache page. No cheating and
posting pictures from the internet...I will check, but feel free to
be as creative as you wish! After you post your picture, send me
the clues you are missing (you have had to have found the cache in
the first place, no freebies), and see what is placed in your
e-mail stocking Christmas morning.
If this is the first you have heard of this series, please check
out the other caches of the series:
Guess what movie Olivia just saw?
Art Appreciation 101
Add It Up
Vertical Control
Logically Speaking
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)