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"I AM NOT A NUMBER, I AM A FREE MAN!" (Bucks) Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Simply Paul: When I went to check on this -well, the final- today I was surprised to see the comedy stream crossing had been replaced with planks and a rope to hold onto. Where's the fun in that?! At least it meant I got to the cache box without incident, and found it inside a minute just about where I left it. Sadly it wasn't in great shape so rather than leave this cache on hold til I can replace it, as well as rework the page to bypass the micro on the island (oh yes, that was the other cunning bit), I've decided to put it down. Everyone say "Aaaaahhhhhhh" [:(]

Thanks very much to everyone who gave it a go, and well done to those who found it in the end.

Sorry to the Whites who had a good crack at this one. I don't know why they didn't find it back in November- I can't believe the undergrowth was wildly different from what I saw today and they did have co-ords and a couple of clues... Ah well, some you win, some you lose.


Hidden : 3/12/2005
3.5 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

The Prisoner is a classic of British television. 1960's cold war paranoia, oppression, triumph, individualism and just plan oddness... Timeless in a way The Avengers could never be, it's one of SP's favourite programmes and this cache is a celebration of it. It's less extreme than him buying himself a Lotus 7 (copy) kit car... Ahem! Plus he used to live here. Some knowledge of the programme is vital!

Some call it Toy Town, but SP has always thought of it as The Village!

Since Dan Wilson and Ben Pid's Wetlands (3) Island Hopping (Bucks) was archived SP has been looking at this area to place a cache of his own. He recently got Dan's ok to encroach on his territory and this cache was set with Pid, in part, to remember that fine cache by.
Watermead has always reminded SP of Port Meirion in North Wales, where exteriors for
The Prisoner was filmed. When he visited it in September 2004 for the second time, he rather fancied placing a cache there - but couldn't. Watermead has the advantage of being much closer to home! This cache will take about an hour to complete and is not recommended for children, or anyone 'caching alone.

Arrival. (Set the scene. Download a 22Kb midi file of the theme tune here: prisoner.mid)
Unless you're gassed and brought to The Village (of Watermead) by sinister undertakers, you'll want to park your stolen mini moke taxi around N51° 49.946 W000° 48.318, where there's ample free parking. But be careful to park in a clear space as poor parking is frowned on here (see the notices about towing your car away) and no one wants to enrage Rover.

The Old People's Home - N51° 49.968 W000° 48.297.
Turn up on a sunny day and you might find someone to play chess with, but when we visited there was just someone sanding very still here. Admire their jugs then see which creature they're with. It's a private garden but you can see it from the path:
Lion=0 / Bull=1 / Goat=2 / Dolphin=3 / Eagle=4 / Unicorn=5 / Sphynx=6 / Otter=7 / Seal=8 / Horse=9. Whatever the number, add it to THE SUM OF THE THREE NUMBERS ON THE PRISONER'S LOTUS 7's NUMBER PLATE. Call this single digit number A. Look out for a feeling of being watched by glowing eyes here.

The Bandstand - N51° 49.893 W000° 48.476.
Rather less frequently used than the one in The Prisoner, a sadly neglected bandstand on an island has X sides and Y steps up into it. HOW MANY DIFFERENT 'NUMBER 2's' APPEARED IN THE PRISONER? This two digit number is Z. X+Y+Z=a two digit number. Add those two digits together to give you B.

The Stone Boat(s) - N51° 49.929 W000° 48.455.
How many stepping stones (including any against the shore) do you need to cross, MINUS THE SUM OF THE TWO DIGITS IN THE NUMBER OF EPISODES IN THE PRISONER SERIES. This number equals C.

The Village Square - N51° 49.950 W000° 48.389.
So like Port Meirion in North Wales where The Prisoner was filmed. There's a tower (sorry, no bell), village shop (the don't sell maps of the village though - I checked) and a fountain. How many horses feature on it? WHEN THE PRISONER MET A WOMAN LIVING IN HIS FORMER HOME IN LONDON, HE GAVE HIS NAME AS PETER 'SOMEONE' - HOW MANY LETTERS WERE IN THAT SURNAME? Name MINUS Horses=D.

What's in a number? - N51° 50.009 W000° 48.411.
A home with an obvious number, but a manhole cover here has a two digit number on it, below where it says 'SLV'. Take the smaller one from the bigger one, AND ADD IT TO THE NUMBER OF THE ILLUSIVE CHARACTER WEARING A GORILLA MASK THE PRISONER MEETS IN THE FINAL EPISODE. Call this number E.

Now head to:
N51° 50.(E-D)(D-C)(B+B) / W000° 48.(A+B-D)C(A+E)
to discover the main cache's location.

To get there, escape the village! By the way, one reason this cache is listed as a puzzle is that you can't just walk to the cache. :-)

Be seeing you!

The cache originally contained:
1x Episode 1 of The Prisoner (Arrival) on DVD (with original DVD sleeve)
1x Prisoner postcard
1x Blank audio tape
1x Glass tealite candle holder
1x Lock de-icer
1x CDR with mix of indie music
1x Boxed Mini (sorry, not a moke) toy car
1x Jeep TB! Plus the usual: Cache notice, log book, pen.
The Prisoner themed swaps particularly welcome!

Things to think about while searching for this cache: (More photos here).
A view from The Village (but not Watermead). Click here to see a larger version of this picture The lighthouse at Port Meirion. Click here to see a larger version of this picture The Village! Click here to see a larger version of this picture
Iconic Atlas at Port Meirion. Click here to see a larger version of this picture Very quiet day. Click here to see a larger version of this picture Simply Pauls copy of a Lotus 7, near Dan & Pids Secret Garden cache at Stowe. Click here to see a larger version of this picture

While you're in the area, I suggest you try Dan & Pid's Watermead Wetlands (1) and (2) or else Dan's Hidden Remains (Bucks) cache. Both are within stout-booted walking/short driving distance.

A small experiment - Please feel free to rate your visit to this cache out of ten in your log.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[A hint:] Arne gur prager [Another hint:] Ng gur sbbg bs n cbfg

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)