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Jablonecke kostely #3 - kostel Sv. Ducha Traditional Cache

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DarkLord Reviewer: Archivace listingu keše

DarkLord Reviewer

Hidden : 09/02/2008
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   large (large)

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Geocache Description:

Tato cache vas zavede do casti Jablonce nad Nisou - do Rynovic. Jak jiz nazev napovida, je tato cache soucasti serie "Jablonecke kostely". Proto si nezapomente opsat kod, ktery je uveden ve skrysi.

Kostel Sv. Ducha v Rynovicich

K nejvyznamnejsim rynovickym stavbam patri kostel Sv. Ducha, postaveny v letech 1697 az 1698 prazskym stavitelem M. A. Canevallem na miste starsiho dreveneho objektu. Hlavni zasluhu na zbudovani meli Franz Ferdinand z Gallasu a jeho syn Johann Wenzel. Roku 1882 probehla zasadni prestavba a byla tez o 4 metry zvysena vez. Kostel byl v r. 1931 vyzdoben pusobivou nastennou freskou Ctrnacti svatych pomocniku. Jeji autor, lukasovsky akademicky malir Ernst Olbrich, zobrazil v jednotlivych postavach zdejsi vyznamne obcany. V letech 1993 az 1995 probehla posledni rekonstrukce vnejsiho plaste i interieru. Vedle kostela lezi mistni hrbitov s puvabnou stavbou mauzolea rodiny Priebschu z let 1862 az 1864. Najdeme zde i opravenou hrobku sklare Leopolda Riedela, narozeneho r. 1846 v Kristianove, ktery v Rynovicich provozoval dve hute. Zde jsem cerpal sve informace a zde jich muzete sehnat vic: Rynovice a Lukasov

Church of Holy Spirit in Rynovice

The church of Holy Spirit belongs to most remarkable buildings in Rynovice. It has been built in years 1697 till 1698 by Prague architect M. A. Canevalle in place of old wooden structure. The main credit of built had Franz Ferdinand from Gallas and his son Johann Wenzel. Of the year 1882 radical reconstruction has been made and steeple has been hightened by 4 meters. Church has been decorated by impressive mural of Fourteen saint helpmates in the year 1931. Author, artist Ernst Olbrich from Lukasov, portrayed in individual figures local distinguished citizens. The last reconstruction of exterior renderings and interior has been made in years 1993 till 1995. Next to church is situated churchyard with nice repository which belonged to Priebsche family (built in years 1862 till 1864). Here occures reconstructed tomb of glassmaker Leopold Riedel, born y. 1846 in Kristianov, he kept two glass works in Rynovice.
Ke kesce samotne...
Je zasvecena vsem moznym hram a hlavolamum, proto jsem jich zde na zacatek par uschoval. Pokud doma mate nejake jiz nepotrebne, verte, v kesce je pro ne mista dost (pouze pruchod je trosku uzsi). A verim, ze za odmenu si take nejakou odnesete :)
Jedna poznamka navic - Prosim, nebudte neboztiky, neni to nutne. Dekuji.

To the cache itself...
Cache is dedicated to games and brainteasers, so that's why I've hidden some there. If you have some at home and you don't enjoy it anymore, you can put it inside. Be sure there's enough space for it (just entry is a bit narrow). And I believe you can take some with :)
One more note - Please don't wake up the dead it's not necessary. Thank you.

Vyhledem k zavazeni blizkeho okoli kese neporadkem je v planu zmena/premisteni cache. Take to vypada, ze je soustavne vykradana.
Krabici nechavam otevrenou pro serii Jablonecke kostely. Bohuzel obsah je pouze logbook a potrebne kody. Vsem se omlouvam.

Dear geocacher,
citizens from surroundings throw out thrash in vicinity of the cache. I suppose the cache is robbed often too.
I let cache open but it contain logbook and necessary codes for cache-series 'Jablonecke kostely' only. Thanks for understanding.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[CZ] hbyuvp pbgb [EN] xpveo rug aehg

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)