The KISS principle: KISS is a bacronym for the empirical principle "Keep it simple, stupid".
KISS states that design simplicity should be a key goal and that unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
Some propose that it follow its own principle by dropping the redundant letter to be: KIS "Keep it simple".
Another possible interpretation is "Keep it short and simple".
The Cache is inside Serralves Gardens. Tuesdays to Sundays 10 Am to 19 Pm.
ENTRADA - Museu e Parque – 5,00 € - Parque – 2,50 € - Parque de Estacionamento – 0,80 €/hora
DESCONTOS 50% - Cartão-jovem - Maiores de 65 anos
ENTRADA GRATUITA - Menores de 18 anos - Amigos de Serralves - Estudantes do Ensino Superior (Licenciatura e Mestrado) - Domingos: 10h00-14h00