SLO: Jedro uganke je sudoku, katerega začetno postavitev morate sestaviti sami in ga nato rešiti. Posamezne celice začetne postavitve se skrivajo v zakladih po Sloveniji. In ne samo to: celice se stalno premikajo! Uganko boste rešili v treh korakih:
- Sestavljanje sudokuja; začnete s PRAZNO mrežo sudoku uganke (glejte sliko). Najprej morate zbrati vrednosti začetne postavitve sudokuja. Začetna postavitev ima 17 celic. Podatki o vsebini celic so zapisani na 13 karticah (sledljivčkih), ki so skrite v zakladih po Sloveniji. Ko najdete neko kartico, prepišite podatke v mrežo sudoku uganke.
- Reševanje sudokuja; ko boste imeli vseh 17 celic, lahko začnete reševati sudoku. Uganka je težje stopnje, ne pa tudi ekstremne. Iz rešenega sudokuja boste dobili koordinate prve stopnje zaklada.
- Iskanje zaklada; na prvi stopnji je skrita majhna posodica, v kateri so shranjene koordinate končne točke.
Del uganke je 13 različnih kartic (oblike in velokosti standardne kreditne kartice), vsaka vsebuje podatke o 1 do 3 celicah. Kartica je hkrati tudi sledljivček s svojo sledilno kodo.
Najprej je po Sloveniji krožilo 13 sledljivčkov (prva generacija). Izkazalo pa se je, da je zaradi različnih razlogov težko zbrati potrebne podatke (sledljivčki izginjajo, geolovci jih odnesejo v tujino ali dolgo zadržujejo pri sebi,...). Zato smo v drugi generaciji izdali dve seriji kartic/sledljivčkov (s1 in s2), kateri hkrati potujeta naokrog. Tako lahko pričakujete, da boste naleteli na kartice različnih oblik; vse kartice z istim imenom pa imajo iste podatke za sudoku.
Imena kartic in naslovi sledljivčkov so:
- Glede na pravila, ki jih je postavil Groundspeak, niste obvezani premakniti kartice. Vendar vas vseeno prosimo, če pomagate ohranjati duh tega zaklada - glavna ideja je neprestano potovanje kartic med slovenskimi zakladi. Če se boste odločili, da boste premaknili kartico, JE NE PREMIKATE IZVEN MEJA SLOVENIJE.
- Kartice lahko odložite v katerikoli slovenski zaklad (razen v tegale tule), vključno z vašimi ali že najdenimi. Močno pa odsvetujemo odlaganje v "TB hotele", ki so namenjeni predvsem za transport v tujino - kaj lahko se bo kdo zmotil in kartico odnesel daleč stran...
- Beleženje premikov kartic je zelo pomembno, saj je to edini način, da lahko igralci sledijo karticam. Prosimo, da čimprej zabeležite svojo akcijo, da bodo drugi igralci vedeli, kaj se dogaja.
- Kartice ne zadržujte pri sebi predolgo; tudi drugi igralci bi radi do nje. Kartice ne imejte pri sebi dlje od enega tedna.
- Če boste v galerijo naložili kakšne fotografije kartic, prosimo da poskrbite, da občutljivi podatki niso vidni: podatki za sudoku, sledilna koda in QR koda.
- Pričakujte, da boste morali prepotovati večje razdalje, da boste zbrali vse potrebne kartice.
- Težavnost tega zaklada je spremenljiva. Lahko, da boste imeli srečo in boste vse kartice našli v lažjih zakladih in/ali v svoji bližini. Bolj verjetno pa boste morali za kakšno kartico rešiti kakšen trši oreh oziroma iti v zakoten konec dežele, nazadnje pa vam jo bo pred nosom speljala druga ekipa... Predvsem pa boste k večji ali manjši težavnosti najbolj pripomogli vi, z izbiro zaklada, kamor boste odložili kartico.
- Na začetni točki ni ničesar in ni treba hoditi tja. Zaklad je skrit daleč stran.
Zaklad je škatla velikosti cca. 30x20x12 cm.
ENG: The core of this puzzle is a sudoku. You have to put together its initial setup and then solve it. The cell values of sudoku's initial setup are hidden in geocaches around Slovenia. And not only that: this data is moving around the country! You will find the geocache in three steps:
- Assembling a sudoku; you start with EMPTY sudoku grid (see the picture). First you have to gather values of the initial setup of the sudoku. The initial setup consists of 17 cells. The cell values are written on 13 different cards (travel bugs) which are hidden in geocaches around Slovenia. When you find a card, enter its data into sudoku grid.
- Sovling a sudoku; as soon as you have the values of all 17 cells you can start solving the sudoku. The sudoku is of harder level but not extreme. From the solution of the sudoku you will get the coordinates of the first stage.
- Searching for a geocache; on the first stage is hidden a small container which contains coordinates of the final stage.
There are 13 different cards (size and shape of credit card), each holding data for 1 to 3 cells. A card is also a trackable item with its own tracking code. Travel bugs often go missing or are kept by geocachers so we eventually issued two series of cards (s1 and s2). You can expect that you will run into cards of different designs; all cards with the same name have the same sudoku data.
The names of cards and URLs of travel bugs are:
- According to Groundspeak rules you don't have to move the trackable/card. But we are asking you anyway to help keeping the spirit of this puzzle - its main idea is the cards constantly traveling around the country. If you choose to move the card, PLEASE DO NOT MOVE IT OUTSIDE SLOVENIA.
- You can drop the cards to any Slovenian geocache (except this one), including yours or the ones you have found some time ago. But we strongly advise against droping the cards into TB Hotels whose purpose is mainly transport out of the country.
- Logging the movement is very important and the only way to keep track of the cards. Please log your action as soon as possible so that other players know what is going on.
- Do not keep a card for too long. Other players would like to pick it up as well. Try to drop it within a week.
- If you choose to upload any photos of cards to geocaching gallery, please hide sensitive data beforehand: data for sudoku, tracking code and QR code.
- Expect to travel large distances to get all needed cards.
- Difficulty rating of this geocache will vary. You might be lucky and you will find all cards in geocaches which are nearby and easy to find. But more likely you will have to solve a difficult puzzle to get a particular card or to go to the remote place of the country only to find out that another geocacher overtook it... Above all, you will aid to the adequate difficulty level with selection of the cache where you will drop the card.
- You don't have to go to the header coordinates. There is no clue there. Geocache is hidden far away.
The cache is a box of size approx. 30x20x12 cm.
N46° 2A.BCD |
E015° 3E.FGH |
A = G6 - E8
B = D7
C = C9 - A9
D = F6 - B4 |
E = G1
F = F4
G = G3 - D3
H = C1 |

ENG: We would like to express our gratitude to the team gladeslvr&crew, from which we borrowed the idea and who provided us with some valuable advice regarding this cache. Their geocache is GCTG4C - Let the Games Begin!.
SLO: Zahvaljujemo se ekipi gladeslvr&crew, od katere smo si izposodili idejo in ki nam je pomagala z nasveti pri postavitvi tega zaklada. Njihov zaklad je GCTG4C - Let the Games Begin!.