Kes bez nazvu / Noname cache Traditional Cache
Kes bez nazvu / Noname cache
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Smankote vy fakt chcete cist nejaky listing!? No to si snad delate
srandu, kdo to dneska dela! Jako - chapal bych to, kdyby se kes
jmenovala "Tajná nemecká základna" nebo "Mlceni
tisnovskych jehnatek", ale takhle? To misto kam sipka ukazuje
je uplne obycejne, nezajimave, nic tady neni a nic se tady nikdy
Mozna by snad byl trosicku zajimavy ten trojnasobny mord, ktery se
zde stal asi pred stopadesatideviti lety, nebo bych snad mohl
zapatrat o dalsich osudech te zeny, kterou zde houbari objevili
uplne beze vseho, s vymazanou pameti nekdy v padesatych letech.
Prinejhorsim by se snad dalo neco zjistit o tech zvlastnich
svetelnych ukazech, ktere vzdy jednou rocne vychazi z toho zvlastne
tvarovaneho kamene opodal. No ale jak rikam - celkove je to fakt
uplne nudne misto.
Jedine co je na vychozich souradnicich zajimaveho je, ze je tam
ulozena kes, ktera vas docela urcite trosicku potrapi, nez ji
odhalite. A dobra zprava je, ze tam velmi pravdepodobne budete mit
na hledani klid.
A jestli jste docetli az sem, tak sice gratuluji za trpelivost, ale
uz se na to prosim vykaslete a bezte radeji ven najit nejakou kes.
Ja mam na praci jeste i jine veci, nez tady sedet u pocitace a
vymyslet nesmyslne listingy. Treba tu kes musim jit taky jeste
zalozit, ne?!
2.9.2011: Kes obnovena kousek vedle. Neni to zdaleka to, co bych si
predstavoval, ale vzhledem k nedostatku casu lepsi, nez dalsi mesic
disable, ne?
Dear me, you really want to read some listing!? You must be
kidding, who cares about listings today? Well, I'd understand that
if the cache's name is "German Secret base" or "Silence
of the Tisnov's Lambs", but this? The place where the arrow
points is very ordinary, almost dull, There's nothing here and
nothing ever happened here.
Perhaps somebody could be interested in that triple murder, that
occurs about a hundred and fifty years ago, or maybe I could
investigate the fate of the woman, who was found here naked,
without any memories, without anything in the fifties. And at
worst, I may possibly find out something about those strange
light-phenomenon, which always one time in a year beams from that
strange shaped lump of nearby stone.
Well, as I've said before - overall it's really totally boring
place. Only on thing is interesting about the initial coordinates,
there is the cache stored there. A cache, that surely is not easy
to find ant that will cause you some headache maybe. The good news
is, that it is fairly quiet place there, so you will have lot of
time to search.
Additional Hints
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