Tančící dům / Dancing house
Tancici dum, jinak take Ginger and Fred, dokonceny roku 1996, stoji v Praze na pravem brehu Vltavy na rohu Rasinova nabrezi a Jiraskova namesti. Jedna se o prvni stavbu spickovych svetovych architektu, ktera byla v hlavnim meste po sametove revoluci realizovana. Pojmenovan je podle tvaru svych dvou naroznich vezi, inspirovanych slavnym mezivalecnym tanecnim parem Freda Astaira a Ginger Rogersove. Tancici dum navrhl Vlado Milunic spolu s Frankem O. Gehrym, ktereho k projektu prizval investor. Interiery kancelari investora byly z casti svereny britske architektce ceskeho puvodu Eve Jiricne.
Jeho stavba rozpoutala nejrozsahlejsi verejnou diskuzi o architekture v Praze. Tancici dum dostal jedno z oceneni v kategorii designu v ankete americkeho Time. V ceskem casopisu Architekt se dostal mezi pet nejvyznamnejsich ceskych staveb 90. let. V budove, kterou financovala Nationale Niederlanden (dnes ING), jsou kancelare, luxusni kavarna a restaurace.
Prizemi a suteren, puvodne urcene jako prodejni plochy, jsou nyni vyuzity jako viceucelovy pronajimatelny prostor. Prizemi je reseno jako velkoprostor s pristupem od hlavni recepce a z venku od nabrezi.
The Dancing House or Dancing Building (Czech: Tancici dum) is the nickname given to the Nationale-Nederlanden building in downtown Prague, Czech Republic at Rašínovo nábreží 80, 120 00 Praha 2. It was designed by Croatian-Czech architect Vlado Milunic in co-operation with Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry on a vacant riverfront plot (where the previous building had been destroyed during the Bombing of Prague in 1945). The building was designed in 1992 and completed in 1996.
The very non-traditional design was controversial at the time. Czech president Václav Havel, who lived for decades next to the site, had supported it, hoping that the building would become a center of cultural activity.
Originally named Fred and Ginger (after Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers - the house resembles a pair of dancers) the house stands out among the Baroque, Gothic and Art Nouveau buildings for which Prague is famous. Others have nicknamed it "Drunk House".
On the roof is a French restaurant with views of the city. The building's other tenants include several multinational firms.
[CZ:] Davejte prosim pozor, at nespadne do vody.
[EN:] Be carefull not to fall into the river, please
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