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Kostel Multi-Cache

Hidden : 06/01/2011
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Geocache Description:

Slovenian Castles

SLO: Grajski kompleks Kostel sestavljajo gornji in spodnji grad, cerkev sv. Treh kraljev in naselje Trg znotraj nekdanjega obzidja.

Zgornji grad Kostel je v pisnih virih prvič omenjen v ohranjenih listinah iz 1333 in 1336. Po teh listinah je imel že od nekdaj lastno sodišče, ki je imelo pravico soditi tudi na smrt. Prvotno (okrog 1225) je stal tu le grajski stolp, obdan z obzidjem in manjšimi stolpiči.
Grad Kostel in vse gospostvo so imeli v posesti nad 170 let Ortenburžani, nato pa je 1420 pripadel grofom Celjskim. Ti so grad dozidali in ga utrdili. Z izumrtjem Celjskih so grad podedovali Habsburžani (1457) in ga skupaj z gospostvom dajali v najem.
Turški vpadi v Kostel so potekali 116 let (od 1469 do 1585). Kostelski grad je bil vključen v obrambni sistem Vojne krajine, ki je branila vdor Turkov v Slovenijo in Evropo. Zaradi upora proti Francozom so grad 1809 osvojili in porušili Napoleonovi vojaki, potem pa ni bil več obnovljen.

Spodnji grad so sezidali po uničenju zgornjega gradu, in sicer ob grajskem obzidju. Ta grad je bil med 2. svetovno vojno požgan, da v njem ne bi nastanila sovražna vojaška postojanka.

Naselje Trg je nastalo pod gradom po razširitvi in dozidavi starega gradu za časa Celjskih. Ime Trg je dobilo zato, ker je tu potekalo trgovanje. Trg je bil obdan z obzidjem in je bil tudi tabor za okoliško prebivalstvo, ki se je sem zatekalo pred Turki. Naselje Trg so 1869 preimenovali v Kostel, vendar domačini še vedno s ponosom uporabljajo staro ime. Grajski kompleks kostel je edini tak kompleks v Sloveniji, kjer znotraj nekdanjega grajskega obzidja v svojih hišah še vedno živijo ljudje.

Cerkvica sv. Treh kraljev je bila v sedanji obliki zgrajena v 16. stoletju. Njena posebnost je baročna zvončnica s tremi linami in tremi zvonovi. Pred vrati je glasniški oziroma ogledni kamen. Glasniški zato, ker so z njega objavljali razne razglase ter opravljali licitacijo. Ogledni pa zato, ker so si po ljudski pripovedi z njega fantje ogledovali dekleta, ko so odhajala iz cerkve.

Izhodiščne koordinate vas pripeljejo na parkirišče. Od tu nadaljujte peš do prve točke, kjer boste izračunali koordinate cilja.

1. točka: N 45° 30.488  E 014° 54.342
Graščine s sodno oblastjo so imele gavge za izvedbo smrtne kazni za hudodelce nižjih slojev. Gavge niso smele biti znotraj grajskega obzidja.
A = število vseh tramov, iz katerih so sestavljene gavge
B = koliko navpičnih tramov imajo gavge
C = koliko vodoravnih tramov imajo gavge

Končna lokacija:
N 45° 30.(A+B)(B-C)(2*A+C)
E 14° 54.(A+B+C)(B+C)(A+B+C)

28.8.2021: ker so bile postavljene nove gavge, se je spremenila formula za izračun!

ENG: The castle complex Kostel is composed of upper and lower castle, St. Three Kings church and the settlement Trg in the inside of the former castle walls.

The upper castle Kostel was first mentioned in preserved documents from 1333 and 1336. Based on the documents, the castle had its own court, which had the right to rule sentences to death as well. At first (around 1225), only castle tower and walls with smaller towers were built.
Lords of Ortenburg were the owners of the castle and its sovereignty for over 170 years, then belonged to the counts of Celje. They built additional facilities and fortified the castle. After extinction of the counts of Celje, the castle belonged to counts of Habsburg (1457) because of the Contract of Inheritance. The counts of Habsburg rented out the castle and its sovereignty.
Turkish invasions in Kostel lasted for 116 years (from 1469 to 1585). The castle Kostel was included in the devense system of Vojna Krajina, which defended the land against Turkish invasions into Slovenia and Europe. Napoeleon's army destroyed the castle in 1809 because of the rebellion against France. The castle was never rebuilt.

The lower castle was built after the destruction of the upper castle by leaning it against castle walls. This castle was burnt down during the World War II so the enemy army could not settle its base in it.

The settlement Trg was built below the castle after additional facilities were built and the old castle was rebuilt in times when the counts of Celje were the owners. The settlement was named Trg (which means market) because this was the place for trade and exchange of goods. Walls surrounded Trg. Because of that it was also a refugee camp for the local people who were running away from Turkish army. In 1869 Trg was renamed to Kostel but the local people still proudly use the old name. The castle complex Kostel is the only example of such a complex in Slovenia, where inside the former walls people still live in their houses.

The St. Three Kings Church was built, as it is today, in the 16th century. Its specialty is church bell tower with three window slits in the walls ad three church bells. There is also an Announcer's or Observation Stone in front of the church door. The stone was named Announcer's Stone because people used it to make announcements and for auctions. And the name Observation Stone came from old folk stories in which boys were watching girls when they were exiting the church.

The header coordinates will take you to the parking. From there walk to the first stage where the final point can be calculated.

Stage 1: N 45° 30.488  E 014° 54.342
The castles which had their own court had gallows for executing death penalties on criminals from lower social classes. The gallows had to be outside of the castle walls.
A = total number of beams which compose the gallows
B = how many vertical beams has the gallows
C = how many horizontal beams has the gallows

The final location:
N 45° 30.(A+B)(B-C)(2*A+C)
E 14° 54.(A+B+C)(B+C)(A+B+C)

28.8.2021: because the new gallows have been placed the formula was changed!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Yhxawn i fxnynu/N ubyr va gur ebpxf

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)