This multi will let you discover the beautiful cliffs just north
of Arrifana.
Praia da Arrifana is a famous surfer spot but it is also a
fisherman village. The first stage of this cache will show you the
fishermen houses in Arrifana. When you reach the spot, you will se
this poem:
See the name of the author and count the number of letters in the
first name - these are A and in the surname - these are
B .
Then count the coordinates for the second stage:
N 37. 18.00(A+1)
W 008. 52.(B+333)
At the second stage you will find the coordinates for the final and
have a possibility to take a rest. It is not necessary to open the
The final is a small box containing a logbook, a pencil, a
sharpener and small collectibles.
Please be careful while walking to the second stage and to the
final as you will be very close to the cliff edge.