Is There a Wart on the Frog Traditional Cache
Team BikeFast: Due to the windmill project, we are archiving the cache.
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Is There a Wart on the Frog
Size:  (regular)
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As you may know, Signal the Frog was selected as the official mascot for Groundspeak. Frogs may be found on every continent of the world, except Antarctica. Frogs and toads are a part of local biodiversity - the amazing variety of life around us. Conserving biodiversity is essential to the health of the planet and the welfare of humankind. Frogs and toads also have a special role to play in keeping the environment healthy. Perhaps because they live "on the edge" between water and land, frogs and toads are very sensitive to pollution and other environmental changes. Worldwide, many species are declining in numbers or have recently become extinct. Monitoring frog and toad populations is one way to check the health of wetland areas. Frogs and toads can be used as indicator species, because they are vulnerable to changes in the atmosphere, the land, or the water. Tracking changes in the geographic range, the beginning and ending of the calling season, and the population of frogs and toads in New Brunswick can help us understand changes occurring in the environment. Male frogs and toads call to protect their territory and attract females. Each species of frog and toad has a very distinctive mating call. “This cache is situated on Nature Conservancy of Canada land along the Musquash Estuary which is the last fully functioning estuary (meaning where the sea meets a river) in the Bay of Fundy. The Nature Conservancy of Canada is a national non-profit land conservation organization, and they ask that you enjoy the nature reserve but be respectful of its protected status and stay on the trail. Further information on the Musquash Estuary and maps of the trails can be found on the Nature Conservancy of Canada website at" The cache container is medium size with new trading items, some frog related. The first to find should claim the antenna signal frog. Please return the container carefully and hide the cache as well or better than you found.
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