Upper Wards Creek #1 Traditional Cache
ajlong: Looks like this one has gone missing
Size:  (small)
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I think there needs to be some more caches out in the Sussex area.
In 1857 the European and North American Railway was opened, connecting the farming communities of the Kennebecasis River valley with Saint John and Moncton. Sussex was incorporated in 1895 but was only officially established as a town on April 30, 1904. The settlers were for the most part British Loyalists who had fled the American Revolution in 1776, with many Irish refugees of the potato famine from the mid-19th century settling in the nearby farming communities.
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Unatvat va n sve gerr, vg vf n fznyy gb zrqvhz-fvmr rireterra gerr. Gur onex ba lbhat gerrf vf fzbbgu, terl, naq jvgu erfva oyvfgref (juvpu graq gb fcenl jura ehcgherq).