E7_SLO_17 Traditional Cache
Size:  (micro)
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Ko ste našli šestnajsti cache, nadaljujte pot po asfaltni cesti proti vzhodu skozi vas Ivanci in naprej, dokler se cesta ne obrne pravokotno v južno smer. Tam stopite v gozd le nekaj metrov in zaklad bo vaš. |
After the 16th cache, continue your journey on the paved road towards east trough Ivanci and on, until the road doesn't turn perpendicularly to the south. There enter the forest and only in a few meters you can find the next cache. |
Sedemnajsti cache se nahaja levo v gozdu. |
The 17th cache is hidden on the left side of the road in the forest. |
Predlagamo: Pomagajte nam narediti trail bolj gost. Upoštevajte le naše osnovno označevanje in smer naraščanja številk (za primer, da postavite cache med številko 9 in 10: E7_SLO_9_vaš dodatek). Hvala! |
Additional Hints
Šgbe / Fghzc