Sometimes finding a place to hide a cache is easy but then you have to think of what to name it. That is what I was faced with for this hide.
So how did I come up with this name you might ask? Well, the Fox radio station (105.3FM) in Fredericton was having a contest where you can get on their "payroll" and earn $75 per hour. At 11 am my name was called and I had 10 minutes and 53 seconds to call in to get on the payroll. I managed to stay on the payroll for 2 hours and earn $150 before another person called in and caused me to get fired. The station called me back and told me that I was "FIRED." This locaction is where I was stopped and talked to them on the phone while I lost that great job.
It sucks that I got fired but I still earned some money that I didn't have before so all is good.
Cache has log sheet, pencil, and some traders in it. Please reseal the container properly to keep it watertight.