ENG: The Church of St. Primus and St. Felician near Jamnik (831m) is one of the most photographed churches in Slovenia. The ridge (on which the church is built) is an awesome viewpoint, hence the name „balcony over the Gorenjsko region.“
Najbolj fotogenična cerkvica v Sloveniji
Cerkev sv. Primoža in Felicijana na Jamniku je verjetno največkrat fotografirana cerkvica v Sloveniji. Motiv, ki ga ponuja razgled z Jamnika, se tudi pojavlja na naslovnih straneh knjig o Sloveniji in na znanih slovenskih razglednicah.
Za cerkvijo, ki na koncu pristopne poti in travnega pomola stoji kot izjemno skladen poudarek lepi pokrajini, se širi osrednja gorenjska ravnica, ki jo obdaja Storžič in njegovo pogorje.
Razgledi z grebena Sv. Primoža in Felicijana so res čudoviti. Od leve proti desni se vidijo vrhovi Karavank: GOLICA (1835m), STOL (2236m), VRTAČA (2181m), BEGUNJŠČICA (2060m), VELIKI VRH (2088m), KLADIVO (2094m), KOŠUTNIKOV TURN (2133m) in Kamniško savinjskih alp: STORŽIČ (2132m), KOČNA (2540m), GRINTOVEC (2558m), KALŠKI GREBEN (2039m) in...
V dolini pa mesta in vasi, kot so Vrba, Radovljica, Begunje, Brezje, Ljubno, Tržič, Podbrezje in…
Cerkev sv. Primoža in Felicijana na Jamniku – Malce zgodovine:
Prvotno podružnica vikariata in župnije v Selcij se prvič omenja v freisinskem urbarju leta 1501, sedaj pa sodi v besniško župnijo. V prezbiteriju so gotske freske is zadnje četrtine 15. stoletja, delo iz nasledstva delavnice Mojstra Bolfganga.
Ob cerkvi stoji znamenje, postavljeno leta 1948 kot eden prvih spomenikov padlim domačinom in žrtvam fašističnega nasilja. Oblikoval ga je kamnosek Alojz Vurnik (1946).
Cerkev sv. Primoža in Felicijana na Jamniku zaradi izjemno slikovite lokacije uvrščamo med najkvalitetnejše kulturne spomenike Slovenije. Stoji na koncu pomola, ki je v času turških vpadov služil tudi kot neutrjena signalna postaja, vidna po vsej gorenjski ravnini.
Po ljudskem pripovedovanju naj bi jo postavili bliže vasi z dražgoške strani, vendar se je neke noči ves gradbeni material znašel na mestu, kjer stoji cerkev danes.
Dostop z avtom in/ali peš:
Do tega izrednega razgledišča nad Gorenjsko pridemo po ovinkasti cesti iz Krope (4km) ali iz Kranja skozi Besnico (20km).
Na vrh Jamnika, kjer stoji cerkev sv. Primoža in sv. Felicijana, je mogoče priti iz vasi Jamnik po lepi sprehajalni cesti, po kateri pa je vožnja dovoljena samo lastnikom zemljišč. Avto lahko tudi pustite na mahjnem parkirišču ob cesti (gl. waypoint parking).
Zanimiva varianta je pešpot iz Krope (čas hoje = 1h / zahtevnost = lahka označena pot / višinska razlika = 337m).
Več na: http://www.hribi.net/izlet/kropa__sveti_primoz_in_felicijan_jamnik_/21/1697/3063
The Church of St. Primus and St. Felician near Jamnik – One of the best viewpoints and most photographed churches in Slovenia
The local church just outside the village Jamnik, dedicated to the Saints Primus and Felician, is considered as one of the most picturesque (and most photographed) Slovenian historical monuments.
It is built at an impressive location on a hill overlooking most of the northern part of the Ljubljana Basin with the Julian Alps as backdrop towards the northwest, the Karawanks mountain range towards the north and the Kamnik-Savinja Alps towards the east.
The views from the grassy ridge on which the church is built are really stunning, especially on a clear and sunny day.
A little bit of history:
Basically medieval, later rebuilt in Baroque style, the Church of St. Primus and St. Felician was first mentioned at the beginning of the 15th century. The land register of the Freising bishops, the first written document about the church, dates back to 1501 and refers to the building as a succursal church of the Vicariate and the Parish of Selca. Nowadays, the church belongs to the Parish of Besnica.
The precious Gothic frescos from the last quarter of the 15th century in the presbytery of the church were created by the well-known workshop circle of Master Bolfgang.
The pillar memorial in front of the church, carved by stonemason Alojz Vurnik in 1946 and erected in 1948, is one of the first Slovenian monuments dedicated to local victims of war and fascist violence.
The church is situated on the verge of a grassy promontory, which, on account of its visibility throughout the Gorenjsko region, also served as a non-fortified signal station in the time of the Turkish invasions.
According to legend, the church was primarily planned to be built nearer to the village Jamnik, in the direction of Dražgoše. However, the building material was overnight mysteriously transposed to the present location.
Access by car and/or on foot:
You can get to Jamnik on a local (and very winding) road from Kropa (4km) or from Kranj via Besnica (20km).
Either leave your car in the village Jamnik or on a little parking along the road (see waypoint parking). Do not try to drive all the way to the church, because the little dirt road is reserved for property owners only.
If you want some more physical activity, you can also hike up to Jamnik from Kropa (duration one way = ca. 1h / difficulty = easy marked trail / altitude difference = 337m).
A more detailed description as well as maps and pictures can be found on the website: http://www.hribi.net/izlet/kropa__sveti_primoz_in_felicijan_jamnik_/21/1697/3063
(Vir / Source: Internet in informacijske tablice na Jamniku / Internet and information boards on Jamnik)