Ob dvorcu se je v 2. polovici 19. stoletja postopoma razvil tudi park. Kmalu po l. 1870 so lastniki na okoliške travnike zasadili prva drevesa.
Proti koncu stoletja so nekdanje zelenjavne vrtove ob dvorcu in kapeli po načrtu dunajskega vrtnega arhitekta Swenssona spremenili v okrasna vrtova s striženimi tisami in pušpanovimi živicami ter povezovalnimi stopnišči. Večji, južni vrt ob dvorcu ima v sredini še vodni okrasni bazen in paviljon na zaključku visoke zidne škarpe. Romantično podobo so dopolnjevale ozelenjena fasada, cvetoče grmovnice in bele vrtne klopi.
Bližnja naravna in oblikovana pobočja so ob sprehajalnih stezah imela razporejena raznovrstna parkovna drevesa, sajena posamič in v skupinah. Prvotni park se je proti severu zaključil z drevesno razgledno skupino. Od tod se nadaljuje valovita travna planjava, okvirjena z gozdom. Tu je med obema vojnama bil dosajen razsežen drevesni park, o katerem danes ni več sledu.
Člani rodbine Pongratz, pa tudi njihov naslednik med obema vojnama, grof von Reihofen, so bili znani kot ljubitelji in zbiralci parkovne drevnine in zato se je v parku kljub vihram časa ohranilo lepo število dreves. Privlačijo nas s svojo premišljeno prostorsko razporeditvijo, slikovito obliko debel in krošenj, nenavadnimi listi, cvetovi, obarvanim listjem in lepimi jesenskimi barvami, iglavci pa tudi z raznolikimi storži. Danes obstaja v parku preko trideset različnih vrst in sort drevnine. Za najdbo potrebujete navadno 9V baaterijo.
Želimo, da obiščete še kakšno znamenitost na Polzeli, kjer se nahaja zaklad.
Cache is located on the beautiful location in Park Šenek, where is nice view on Polzela and Savinja valley. Catche include 4 point. The initial coordinates is konwn, but next you have to find. For finding this catch you need simple 9V battery.
At the mansion, in the second half of the 19th century gradually developed the park. Shortly after l. In 1870 the owners of the surrounding meadows planted the first tree.
Towards the end of the century, the former vegetable gardens of the mansion and chapel of the plan of the Viennese architect garden Swensson change in ornamental gardens with striženimi tisami and box trees and interconnecting stairways. Larger, south garden at the mansion in the middle of the water ornamental pool and pavilion at the completion of the high scarp wall. The romantic image of the complementary greened facade, flowering shrubs and white garden bench.
The nearby natural and slopes are formed at the walkways had arranged diverse park tree planted singly and in groups. The original park was closed to the north with panoramic tree group. Thence continuing wavy grass plains, framed by trees. Here is the interwar period was dosajen expansive tree park, which today is no longer a trace.
Pongratz family members, as well as their successors during the two World Wars, Count von Reihofen were known as lovers and collectors park nursery and therefore is in the park despite the withers while maintaining a number of trees. Attracted us with its thoughtful spatial distribution, the picturesque form of trunks and crown, unusual leaves, flowers, colored leaves and beautiful fall colors, conifers as well as with a variety of cones. Today, there are in the park over thirty different species and varieties of ornamental plants.
Cache is located on the beautiful location in Park Šenek, where is nice view on Polzela and Savinja valley. Catche include 4 point. The initial coordinates is konwn, but next you have to find. For finding this catch you need simple 9V battery.