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Dobrenje A15 car trail Traditional Cache

Hidden : 12/06/2017
1.5 out of 5
1 out of 5

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Geocache Description:


Dobrenje A15 car trail

Splošen opis:
Avtocesta A1 Šentilj-Sermin na osi severovzhod - jugozahod Slovenije, je dolga 245,3 km. A1 povezuje večja slovenska mesta Maribor, Slovensko Bistrico, Celje, Ljubljano, Vrhniko, Logatec, Postojno in Koper. Zadnji 10,5 km dolg odsek celotne avtoceste med Pesnico in Mariborom (Ptujsko cesto) je bil predan prometu 14. avgusta 2009 in s tem je bil v celoti končan tudi štajerski del avtoceste A1. Ta odsek poteka tudi skozi Spodnje Dobrenje. Tukaj se nahajata 2 počivališči Dobrenje vzhod in Dobrenje zahod. Na počivališče Dobrenje vzhod lahko dostopate po avtocesti iz mariborske smeri, nekaj kilometrov pred mejnim prehodom Šentilj, na počivališče Dobrenje zahod pa po avtocesti iz smeri Šentilja oz. avstrijske smeri, kmalu po vstopu v Slovenijo. Na obeh počivališčih (Dobrenje vzhod in Dobrenje zahod) sta izvoza na lokalno cesto, južno pa je nadvoz s cestno povezavo med obema.

Navodila za celoten trail so zapisana v zakladku Dobrenje A01 car trail, vi pa vse vaše vtise iz iskanj vpišite v zadnji zaklad Dobrenje A22 car trail. Uporabite svojo pisalo (BYOP - Bring Your Own Pen).

Opis tega zakladka:
brez posebnosti


Dobrenje A15 car trail

General Description:
The A1 highway Šentilj/Spielfield-Sermin from the northeast to southwest of Slovenia is 245.3 km long. A1 connects the major Slovenian cities Maribor, Slovenska Bistrica, Celje, Ljubljana, Vrhnika, Logatec, Postojna and Koper. The last 10.5 km long section of the entire highway between Pesnica and Maribor was handed over to traffic on 14. August 2009, thus fully completing the Styrian part of the A1 highway. This section runs through Spodnje Dobrenje. There are 2 rest areas named Dobrenje east and Dobrenje west. You can reach the resting place Dobrenje east by a highway from the Maribor direction, a few kilometers before the border crossing Šentilj, and at the resting place Dobrenje west along the highway from the direction of Šentilj/Spielfield soon after entering Slovenia. Both rest areas (Dobrenje east and Dobrenje west) has exit to the local road and there is an overpass in south with a road connection between.

You will find all instructions for the whole trail in the Dobrenje A01 car trail cache. Write all your final logs and impressions into the last cache Dobrenje A22 car trail. BYOP - Bring Your Own Pen.

Additional information about this geocache:
no speciality


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

cebzrgav manx "xbyrfnefxn cbg" / genssvp fvta "ovxr"

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)