Zamorček trail - BONUS Mystery Cache
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Zamorček trail
Zamorec s krono je simbol freisinške škofije in s tem tudi mesta Škofja Loka. Legenda pravi, da je Abraham eden od freisinških zemljiških gospodov jezdil konja na poti v Poljansko dolino, ko ga je napadel medved. Zamorec, njegov podložnik se medveda ni zbal in ga je pokončal s puščico. V zahvalo ga je Abraham dal naslikati v grb in tako je zamorca doletela večna slava.
Vam ne bo treba jezditi na konju, verjetno tudi medveda ne boste srečali, vseeno pa boste za celotno pot potrebovali dobro obutev in nekaj pohodne kondicije. Čeprav si lahko štart krožne poti izberete poljubno, vam za izhodišče predlagamo naselje Podlubnik. Pot vas bo vodila skozi naselje Trnje v smeri Križne gore, kjer stoji cerkev sv. Križa. Ko dosežete vrh, nadaljujete po grebenu vse do vasi Planica, spotoma lahko občudujete lep razgled na Sorško polje, ob lepem vremenu pa lahko Triglav skoraj zagrabite z roko. Sledi spust v vas Crngrob, od koder vas ravninska pot skozi gozd in polja pripelje v Staro Loko.
Na celotni poti je postavljenih 30 škatlic različnih velikosti in težavnosti. V nekaterih od njih boste našli številke, ki jih boste potrebovali za rešitev bonus zaklada. Srečno.
Končna lokacija se nahaja na kooordinatah:
N 46° 10.A+B+C
E 014° 18.D+E+F
Zamorček trail
Zamorec with a crown is a symbol of the Freising diocese and, consequently, the town of Škofja Loka. The legend says Abraham is one of Freising's landlords riding a horse on his way to the Poljanska Valley when he was attacked by a bear. Zamorec, his bearer did not scold the bear and killed him with an arrow. Abraham thanked him for painting the coat of arms, and so the ‘zamorec’ came to an eternal glory.
You will not have to ride on a horse, you probably will not meet a bear, but you will need good footwear and some walking conditions for the whole journey. Although you can choose the starting point of the circular route, we suggest the settlement Podlubnik as a starting point. The path will lead you through the village of Trnje in the direction of Križna gora, where the church of St. Cross is. When you reach the top, continue along the ridge all the way to the village of Planica, you can then admire the beautiful view of the Sorško polje, while in the beautiful weather you can almost grab the Triglav with your hand. Follow the descent into Crngrob village, from where you can take the flat road through the woods and fields into the Stara Loka.
There are 30 boxes of different size and difficulty on the entire route. In some of them you will find the numbers that you will need to solve the bonus cache. Good luck.
The final location is located on the coordinates:
N 46° 10.A+B+C
E 014° 18.D+E+F
Additional Hints
I trbpurpxrewh/Va trbpurpx