After strolling along the Arohaki Lagoon Track to another cache (Arohaki Dropoff GC8C7EG)it became apparent that one spot needed a cache and being the opportunist I am, happened to have a little bison in my bag. This Lagoon was spectacular to see.
Apparently during dry summers, the lagoon dries up and some wet winters, it can be so full that the water covers the seats on this veiwing deck, an ever changing picture.
Please save these caches to an offline list or onto your gps as there is no cell coverage in the area.
Please take care to watch young children here and remember to BYO Pen.
Thank you Whirinaki Treasure for showing me this special place, now here's the chance to get your own smiley here.
PLEASE NOTE: As others were with me at time of placement, I have allowed them to sign the log, but not able to claim the First to Find honours.