So I think during this time of the year we should celebrate with some holiday cheer. Many people have traditions that may seem weird when you think of it.
1. Ring bells for no reason.
2. Crack nuts with inefficient toy figurines.
3. Hide a pickle.
4. Say the word "merry" a lot.
5. Feel compelled to wear red and green.
6. Listen to vocal jazz when you never would otherwise.
7. Bite the legs of human-shaped gingerbread cookies.
8. Spend time with people you don't really like.
9. Devour cookies designed to look like inedible objects.
10. Sing to strangers whether they like it or not.
Well during this Holiday, people from a certain country STOP cleaning their floors so that certain evil entities don't cause bad things to occur. It is a tradition that started centuries ago. I just want you to put into certitude the country that celebrates this unorthodox holiday tradition.
Good luck and Happy Holidays
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Congratulations to chickenelbows for the FTF