Hurdle Words Mystery Cache
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Determine the 5-letter word that fits with the numbered clues below. Check words here.
1) give birth to pups [w _ _ _ _]
2) outer layer / outer part [c _ _ _ _]
3) healthy / strong / fit [l _ _ _ _]
4) self-esteem / dignity / honor [p _ _ _ _]
5) replica / copy / representation [m _ _ _ _]
6) rank / level / echelon [g _ _ _ _]
7) humiliation / guilt / disgrace [s _ _ _ _]
8) work for / be in the service of [s _ _ _ _]

Congratulations to first solver LydiaSimmons and first finder sleepyrobin.
Thanks to CarlottaP for the original idea for this puzzle.

Additional Hints
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